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Hey everyone. Names John. I'm 18 and I might be getting a slightly used 2010 FZ6R soon. Working out the insurance costs and title/tag/taxes stuff right now but if everything turns out I might be picking it up this weekend.

First time motorcycle rider and i'm a crazy 18 year old that wants to go fast :eek::eek::eek:

Just kidding I'ma take it slow and probably take the MSF course at my home town when i get the chance.. I should be able to pick it up more or less on my own but putting the bike on its side would really suck :eek: Right now the thing i'm most concerned about is the counter-steering. I understand the physics and how it works but I'm still kind of anxious to actually "experience" the counter-steering haha

Anyhow, wish me luck on the purchase! :D
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Should be no probably about the MSF, get out there and take it!

Also, to more clearly understand countersteering download or buy the video "Twist of the Wrist II", after that you should have a pretty good understanding. Honestly though you do it all on your own, you don't even notice it.
Should be no probably about the MSF, get out there and take it!

Also, to more clearly understand countersteering download or buy the video "Twist of the Wrist II", after that you should have a pretty good understanding. Honestly though you do it all on your own, you don't even notice it.

Yeah I've heard of that video before. Isn't "counter-steering" just a really complicated way to explain how to make the bike lean to one side, thus making you go in the direction you lean? I mean I understand 100% how it works and why counter steering does what it does but l'm anxious to see if I just do it naturally or if I actually have to tell myself to steer the wrong direction. I'm hoping and thinking that it'll come naturally.
Take that MSF course! Well worth the money

Yeah I will ASAP but I may have taught myself to ride the bike before its possible for me to take the course :rolleyes: we'll see though. If its to much for me to handle i'll park the bike till I get a chance to take the course.
I'm a newer rider too. Counter-steering is not a big deal. You will do it pretty naturally. Don't over think it. You'll be fine.

And yes, you should definitely take the MSF course. You'll learn a lot and gain some confidence.
Welcome :) Take the course, its fun and it gives you the chance to meet other riders that you can meet up in the future and ride with... The whole counter-steering thing sounds more difficult then it is... Its hard to explaine and hard to understand... once you get on the bike and just roll with it it comes naturallly and most don't even think about it... Enjoy it, hope all goes well with getting the bike!
Take the MSF course before you ride. It will teach you the safe way to ride before you learn any bad habits. I just started riding and I am glad I took the course first. Then I went out looking for a bike. I settled on the FZ6-R. I am happy with this bike.
Take the MSF course. It will save your life knowing how to handle certain situations when they arise. Knowledge is power. Don't be a squidy and say you know how to ride so you'll skip it, unless of course you want to meet up and have a nice close relationship with Darwin and his awards!
Yeah I will ASAP but I may have taught myself to ride the bike before its possible for me to take the course :rolleyes: we'll see though. If its to much for me to handle i'll park the bike till I get a chance to take the course.

I had my bike sitting in my garage for 2 weeks before I could take my course. The wait sucked, but I'm sure glad I waited
We shall see about the course. It really depends how the test drive in the parking lot goes and then the potential 500 yard ride from the sellers house to my house goes. I think I will definitely take the course at some point but theres a good possibility I will be riding it back and forth to my friends apartment in the mean time :D I definitely won't be taking it on the interstate or going very fast.. Maximum speed limit from my house to my friends house is 25 mph lol.

Anyhow i'm making progress in the purchase. Right now I have everything squared away except I have to go verify the title and then wait for my parents to get here this weekend and we should be good to go.

Oh and it turns out the bike is actually a 2009 FZ6R with 2100 miles on it (bike was bought new in fall of 2010 though). Just thought i'd correct that from my original post. Heres a picture if anyone cares to see haha.

P.S. - borrowing the Twist of the Wrist II video from a friend to watch tonight. I would buy one but I don't wanna wait for it to ship haha


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Welcome Doggman... looking forward to your posts. :welcome:
