New Girl!

Hi, welcome to the forum..
Welcome to the forums! If you need any help just ask around, just make sure to use the search feature first. If you don't...half of us become flesh eating search zombies and you wouldn't like that.

Good luck!:wav:
Welcome aboard! :D
wurd up!!! from minne-to the sota....

new female rider :drool::popcorn:

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welcome to the forum. and yes, we all are zombies.
Again Welcome to the Forum from a Canadian member. this is a great place,,glad that you are! Laurie
hahaha :D
When I first read that I thought you said "Welcome abroad!" Which I took to be a command for everyone to welcome the OP.

Or it could be... Welcome a broad, aboard, a board! :D

Welcome, I love woman, also, what oil do I need to use for this bike?
