Netflix Gems... Lets hear em!


Super Moderator
So... With Netflix being as popular as it is, I know some of you have it. Lets hear some good ones that are on Netflix!

I have a decent dvd queue, but dont have squat for instant streaming.

Whats some good instant movies that can hold me over between dvd's???

Couple that I really enjoyed on instant recently (for your viewing pleasure if you have not already seen em):

The Fountain
Harsh Times
Deadfall Trail
Sin Nombre
50 Dead Men Walking
The Crazies

And if you cannot remember a movie name, just log into your netflix account and go to "your account" and then 'instant watching activity" to see what you have watched.
I am really into a lot of the documentaries on there. They are just really intriguing.
But I also watch some of the T.V. stuff they have too

The beautiful Truth
Food Inc.
How weed won the west
Thanks! Yeah, love the docs too! :thumbup:
Come on dart! I know you are a Netflix whore!!! :D Dont hold out on me!
Heres my list, Its rather long

-SPREAD(Best one on here by far IMO)
-Diary of a nymphomaniac
-Resident evil afterlife
-Last man standing(Bruce willis)
-the cove
-smokin aces 2
-1,000 ways to die
-full metal jacket
-saints & Soldiers
-bad boys
-the red baron
-malcom x
-quid pro quo
-the business of being born
-planet 51
-under suspicion
-boondock saints 2
-while she was out
-the messenger
-legends of the fall
-holy rollers
-flame and citron
-get shorty
-my cousin vinny
-from paris with love
-the expiriment
-the first knight
-gangs of new york

they are excellent and I recommend watching them all
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Oh 'The Cove' was a really good documentary too!
i still don't have netflix or cable or any kind of paid content for tv... :p
i just watch network tv and youtube for cable sitcoms that i like.
Robo Cop, star trek, striptease, other guys, hot tube time machine, dexter, Spartacus(MY FAVE)
lol, that's 1TEE...

but, I did watch all the Merlin's with the kids (couple of seasons when they had them on there)... I hear I have to watch Dexter.... but, other than that, it's Summer, I get home at 9-10 at night and go to bed.... not much PS3 or Netflix right now.... time to rack up the miles again:thumbup:

oh, Lot's of Sponge Bob on there, Ren & Stimpy and Beavis & Butthead too

haha, oh man too much sponge bob as it is. Heck, i'm watching it right now and Sadie isnt even down here. She is upstairs with a friend but I just cant change the channel! :D

Yeah, everyone says to watch Dexter. I guess we should then.
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Most of what I watch is anime and fantasy tv shows so on the off chance any of you do watch...

-InuYasha (anime)
-Claymore (anime)
-Stargate Atlantis (tv show)
-Fruits Basket (anime)
-Bones (tv show)
-Samurai 7 (anime)
-Roswell (tv show)
-Morbito (anime)
-Firefly + Serenity (amazing tv show and it's ending movie)
-Carriers (movie)
-The fifth Element (my fav all time movie, i don't know why)
-Kyle XY (tv show)

There's probably more but my viewing activity is too large since 5 of us use it...

Daybreakers was awesome sage!
"On any Sunday." Classic old school dirtbike documentary.
Well, lots of these I have not seen so thanks!!!

youll have to update us as you watch some of our suggestions on your thoughts of them jsp :)
