Motorcycle ban???


New Member
I mean they tried to ban mature video games in California all because it's hobby for insane people could you imagine having to go to a liquor store just to pick up your new copy of GTA 5 all i am saying is people need to stop trying to control so much minuscule crap and concentrate on real issues like the wars, the national defaecate, homelessness ect ect ect.....
I really hope you meant deficit and not defecate...'cuz I really don't want the government to be getting THAT involved with what I'm doing in my own bathroom!! :rof: :D


New Member
I know you guys won't want to hear a rider saying this, but I support catalytic converters on bikes. That's one of the reasons I bought my fz6r.


New Member
whoever wrote that is and idiot.....i want to buy a plane ticket just to fly to their house and smack the 1950's outta them



New Member
Not to mention with the 4th of July holiday coming up, some poor soul at the beach is bound to venture too far away from shore and die of a dihydrogen monoxide overdose. When will we wake up and ban this terrible substance. It's overrun our communities...I mean look, it is EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You crack me up!:) David


New Member
can someone come and hold my hand already...because apparently i cant do anything anymore in this country without someone looking over us or critising us for every single thing we do...

They say that if you dont delete your emails then you must have some sort of mental disorder and are a hoarder, which to me is border line pathetic.

TV People Say Not Deleting Your Email Means You're an "E-Hoarder"

If you drink to much sodi pop then there going to get diabetes.

If you don't shit the right way you'll have bad posture.

God forbid we microwave plastic will get cancer.

So i ask for someone to come hold my hand and make me live the life that they think is so politically correct!

I know the dangers of what i eat and drink and put in my body, but its this thing called FREEDOM that i live by. I don't need anyone to hold my hand because i want to enjoy life instead of walking on egg shells the whole 60 years i have left.

Dont mean to direct this towards you guys, just had to vent a bit from people that post those articles on how we should live of lives...
Amen brother! David


New Member
That second article sounds like an entire page of "I don't know what the hell I'm talking about." I'll have to give it a second read sometime...

...haha, yeah right. Cereal boxes are more deserving of a second read.

edit: "I have my very own column, because cream rises to the top."

You know what else rises to the top, Jerky? Pond scum.
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New Member
bunch of bs how he gonna say all that about medical insurance and police and paramedics and then at the end suggest they be off road????? wouldnt you still have the problem?
