Light Knight - Good or Useless?

Utah just made it legal to run a red on a motorcycle after stoping and waiting 90 seconds... It's legal for this year in a trial period to see if it will work
Here in Calif, the roads haven't been maintained due to budget issues, so many intersections have sealed seams over the sensor wires. If you can ride directly over them, they'll usually trip the lights. It even works w/ steel-framed bicycles.
Here in Calif, the roads haven't been maintained due to budget issues, so many intersections have sealed seams over the sensor wires. If you can ride directly over them, they'll usually trip the lights. It even works w/ steel-framed bicycles.

Not in my town! Lol! I'm constantly getting stuck. I have a few side streets to take to get around most but there are a few that just suck.

Sent using Jedi mind tricks!
I might try that one here if it ever happens, "There's a new trial law for motorbikes, after waiting 90 seconds and safely checking you can then go thru a red light, weren't you listening in the staff meeting last month ?"
you guys realize that all these things are are just magnets. strong ones. You can order a set of neodymium magnets from most any site and just epoxy them behind the fairings and such and they will set off any light.

You can get a good set of strong ones from here:

DIY Square NdFeB Magnets - Silver (50 × 10 × 2.5 mm / 2PCS) - Free Shipping - DealExtreme Only
DIY Square NdFeB Magnets - Silver (30 x 10 x 2 mm / 10 PCS) - Free Shipping - DealExtreme Only

I'm currently using a set of the first ones, they are very strong magnets and they set off pretty much ever sensor based light I've come across. One I did have to reposition the bike on but it did work after repositioning.
where did you end up mounting them for it to work properly. One of my harddrive died so i'm going to disassemble and use the magnet from that for this project.
where did you end up mounting them for it to work properly. One of my harddrive died so i'm going to disassemble and use the magnet from that for this project.

I just mounted them inside the fairings at the lowest point, closest to the road. That seemed to be the point for me. The lower the better...

And yes, a hard drive magnet should do exceptional at triggering the sensors in most roads.
I just find the seam, drop the kick stand on top of it. Probably works 80% of the time for me. Then if that doesn't work, kill the bike and start it again. Sometimes the starter kicking will trip it. Last resort I just run it. Had to do it twice today actually.

wouldn't it just be easier to spend 3.40 on some strong magnets and just clue them behind your fairings and call it good? I posted some links up above to some larger magnets that I use and they do the trick. I haven't had them fail yet.
