Leaving gear on a bike


New Member
So I've been leaving my helmet locked with my bike, but now it's getting much warmer and I would like to leave my jacket on my bike with one of those cables through the sleeve. Are there any problems leaving a jacket and/or helmet on a bike on a sunny day? I have a Castle Slate jacket.

i usually lock my helmet with a helmet lock $20 combination lock. As for the jacket i will leave that out if its just way to hot to take it into the store. I know it happens but who the hell would want to steal and or wear someone elses sweaty jacket or helmet. Gross lol.
i usually lock my helmet with a helmet lock $20 combination lock. As for the jacket i will leave that out if its just way to hot to take it into the store. I know it happens but who the hell would want to steal and or wear someone elses sweaty jacket or helmet. Gross lol.

Anyone who wants to make a quick buck on eBay and lists it as "barely used" haha
Fortunately my helmet fits in my side case. :D I usually end up lugging my jacket with me, but I don't mind, I look badass tromping around Hannaford in motorcycle gear :p
I rode my bike to Disneyland last Saturday and all of the lockers inside the park were full. So I tightly rolled up my jacket and put it inside my helmet and locked it up to my bike. luckily, nobody touched it and it was still there when I got back that night
Sometimes spiders crawl into my gear while its sitting in the garage.....
(me, from last week)

thats pretty funny, i leave my boots, pants and jacket in the house but now i think i might move my helmet and gloves in there too instead of the garage!
I take my gear inside with me when I go to work but I am also a college student and I don't want to bring my helmet, jacket, and gloves along with me all day. That's why I want to leave my stuff on my bike.
I take my gear inside with me when I go to work but I am also a college student and I don't want to bring my helmet, jacket, and gloves along with me all day. That's why I want to leave my stuff on my bike.

I bought a backpack with an expandable back pocket from Cycle Gear a couple years ago that holds my helmet. I can stick my gloves inside the helmet. That would only leave you with carrying/wearing your jacket, which wouldn't be all that different than your situation in the winter, when I'm presuming you're wearing a much thicker jacket up there anyways. :) Check out their website.
I have less then $200 in my Givi setup.My monolock has been rock solid for my needs.It isn't much bigger then a helmet but you can pack stuff inside the helmet, I keep my first aid kit + a large vinyl tool bag in there with the helmet.

But I wanted to give a warning about Motorcycle Superstore.I ordered my Monorack and top case from sporttour.com hoping the free universal mounting plate would work, I should've just called and asked but I wasn't in a rush to get it mounted or anything.I ended up needing the M5M mounting plate because the Monoracks wider then the universal plate and I had a coupon for free shipping from MSS so I ordered the M5M from them.I received the box for a M5M with a universal mounting plate inside!


Here it is next to the free one that came with my top case.


I called MSS's customer service, they couldn't even understand my problem and tried saying its because my bikes a 2011 and the part only works on earlier models, they told me to call Givi...So I did, Givi was laughing they're *** off at my problem because they have alot of problems with MSS and couldn't believe this.Givi called MSS to complain for me, then they returned my call to let me know what happened.Someone bought a M5M and sent the universal mounting plate back inside of the M5M box for store credit.Since MSS doesn't train the staff about Givis products they accepted the return and mailed it to me!MSS promised to exchange the part for me, but refunded my $ instead and even billed me for shipping when I used a free shipping coupon.

I ended up just cutting a piece of sheet metal with my dremel tool to make a adaptor plate.I'm still going to buy a M5M but I needed to use it over memorial weekend.I asked Givi for a recomended dealer and they told me to use Revzilla and even stated its the only online store they haven't had a single issue with.




Is there an FZ6R in there somewhere? :)
