just a quickie


New Member
i checked into a some things that people had asked and here is the answer...CB, you are correct, the mechanic that installed my AutoTune had to block the fresh air dump or my bike would suffer immense mpg loss

so anyone contemplating this should make sure to do this or make sure the mechanic knows to do it.

I am ALWAYS right

unless I am wrong of course :D

Good to know though because I was planning on going the auto-tune route..

Where did they mount the PCV itself and then the auto tune unit??

Hows the bike running now??
oh also, where did they mount the O2 bung at?

down at the merge or actually in one of the pipes?
PCV and AutoTune is in the "trunk", bung is welded on the second pipe from the left just under where the heads connect on the inside and is accessible...well i've had the AutoTune since I got the PCV back in May...bike runs the same, I just knew that there had been some question as to the fresh air dump and decided to ask, Dyno says to block it, the mechanic said he did, and so i shared the info

possible to get a pic of the o2 bung?
