It's my money, who cares what it's for!


Because if your using your money for something shady your gonna tell the bank that arent you! What a dumbass policy. Just gonna make more people lie!!


Lot of Class, Mostly Low
Elite Member


None of this is designed to stop you from doing anything illegal. As somebody else said, it's to stop dumbasses from pulling out tons of cash to pay to the nice gentlemen who knocked on the door, told me they saw problems with my roof and offered to fix it today if I could pay them in cash right now...

We don't have that issue here.... Or at least nowhere I have lived...but again is it really any of the banks business? I would feel my privacy is being invaded for sure.


New Member
None of this is designed to stop you from doing anything illegal. As somebody else said, it's to stop dumbasses from pulling out tons of cash to pay to the nice gentlemen who knocked on the door, told me they saw problems with my roof and offered to fix it today if I could pay them in cash right now...

I appreciate the "intent" of the banks in this situation. And, if that's the case, they can hand out a little flier with any >$1,000 withdrawal outlining the latest and greatest scams, schemes, and Nigerian swindles.

However, something that's happening more and more, and pissing me off beyond words, is when someone else attempts to force ME to allow THEM to make highly personal decisions FOR me -- whether it concerns who I want to give MY hard-earned shekels to, what healthcare to use, what purchases I can make, how much of my own money I can take out of the bank, whether or not I have to wear a seat-belt, a helmet, what kind of light bulb I can use, or car I drive, how big a bag of fries, or cup of pop I can buy, what my kid can eat for lunch in school, on and on and on...
And, it's always prefaced with: "this is in your own best interests..."

And, you know the irony... If you take a close, hard, look at those people making those decisions FOR you, they're about as well-intentioned, and pure as a pile of black slush covered dog-sh!t...


(now you wanna hear how I *really* feel...?)


New Member
I think its wrong to ask what the money's for, especially for small amounts like that.

I think legally its for amounts over $10K in Australia, but we get asked for any "large" amount.

Where do you have a cutoff point for asking the question ? Why did the gov decide to lower the amount for that question being asked ?

Here's a funny look at servicing debt :
[ame=]Clarke and Dawe - How To Run a Country. Episode 429. - YouTube[/ame]

and debt crisis :
[ame=]Clarke and Dawe - European Debt Crisis - YouTube[/ame]
ps. you don't want to know the answer.


Mistah T
Elite Member


It is now confirmed, I am living in the twilight zone.

I go to my bank today(MAJOR BANK)to pull out some cash. How much cash? A little over a G. I wait it line, go up to the teller, hand her my slip & she says:

"Ok, now what is this being used for?" I thought it was some sort of joke until I see that she is looking at me with her hands over her keyboard waiting to actually type in my response... I basically ask wtf where she tells me that it is now bank policy to ask any customer who withdraws over 200.00 what purpose the withdraw is for. I think she's full of it so demand to talk with a manager who confirms her comments. He says it's for "safety & security".

I tell them that's it's none of their business & that they are invading my privacy. I demand my cash, remind them that they didn't ask me any questions when they took my money on deposit. They gave me my cash but insisted that is now the banks policy to which I let them know they were acting like fascist nazi's. I wasn't quiet about it either.

WTF is going on around here!?!?! :confused:

Welcome to the new America. Enjoy your stay.


New Member
Banks have been required to report all cash transactions over $10K for a long, long time. It's a Treasury/IRS thing. But they aren't required to ask you anythng, or take care of your security, just note that you took out or deposited more than $10K in any 30 day period.
Thought I just said that... ;)

But stll down close to 50% off it's peak a couple of years ago. Picking a random 3 month period to justify your investment is always a bad idea...
Yep... it's down from a surge of about $49.50 or something around there in 2011.
However, the difference is, regardless of governments coming and going, currencies changing, merging, disappearing... silver (and gold) will always have value... You'll never find yourself papering your wall with it, like the German mark in the 20's.

Problem is... the U.S. is following the same pattern as Germany, just in a more elongated chronology...
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Pinarello Rider

New Member
My bank didn't bat an eyelash when I pulled 5k out to pay for the Fz6r. OP - your bank was poor in communicating with you. Should have asked if you'd like to record a reason note or something like that.


Lot of Class, Mostly Low
Elite Member


New Member
I would check with another bank to see if they have the same policy, and if not, move all your accounts there.
This country, between the NSA privacy violations, IRS targeting, Obama over reach of executive authority, arming of Homeland Security to the teeth while pushing for domestic gun control, and now this, is turning into pre-World War II Germany...

It's not the Twilight Zone... It's what Obama meant by "fundamental change." It's what his supporters wanted... Now they got it...

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4

AMEN BROTHER! to all that, especially the illegal spying by the NSA. Every single one of our rights can be taken away under the threat of "national security" which is whatever they want it to be this week. Anyway im curious about that bank, I would have told them to pound sand too. Exactly what do they think that's going to solve?? if your in there to take out a 1000 to fund terrorists as suggested do you really think that's what your going to tell them? Oh im using it to fund a car bombing? or im using it to score a big load of coke? I think they are overestimating the honesty of people. I would have made some shit up to try and make them uncomfortable. Im using it for a kangaroo fetus experiment, or tell them your making a porn and ask if they want to be in it, Or tell them your going to flush it down the toilet or give it to the bum sitting outside the bank lol


Lot of Class, Mostly Low
Elite Member

Pinarello Rider

New Member
AMEN BROTHER! to all that, especially the illegal spying by the NSA. Every single one of our rights can be taken away under the threat of "national security" which is whatever they want it to be this week. Anyway im curious about that bank, I would have told them to pound sand too. Exactly what do they think that's going to solve?? if your in there to take out a 1000 to fund terrorists as suggested do you really think that's what your going to tell them? Oh im using it to fund a car bombing? or im using it to score a big load of coke? I think they are overestimating the honesty of people. I would have made some shit up to try and make them uncomfortable. Im using it for a kangaroo fetus experiment, or tell them your making a porn and ask if they want to be in it, Or tell them your going to flush it down the toilet or give it to the bum sitting outside the bank lol

Umm, perhaps you should read the thread - your questions were answered previously in a few different ways.


Premium Member


None of your f#@King business, would be my answer if I was taking MY money out. I have not done business with any banks,Major ones being the worst, in years. I deal with Credit Unions and there are many advantages to them. Too many for me to list, but most impotent to me is good service and I mean excellent service. Those sob banks make up so many rules they can't even keep all their lies straight. Hate them!
