It started to wobble...


I was on my way to work on the FZ6R, entering the highway on ramp( the kinda that turns you around 270 degrees). As I came to the end of the turn, the turn got sharper, as the turn got sharper I counter steered more so that I could make the turn. Then slowly the bike started to wobble, I guess like a very soft tank slapper. I'd like to avoid this in the future :D Any ideas on what happend?
Some things to consider:
This has never happened to me before.
Tires had correct pressure.
This was in the morning.
My tires are Dunlop Roadsmart: 10,000ish miles on the front(original), 1000 on the rear (Recently replaced).

Wobble while turning - YouTube
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There is a long list of possible causes, as simple as a pebble stuck in the tire, uneven road surface, etc, etc.... but you also need to replace that tire, they start to scallop enough to start to impact performance well before 5k-6k miles, let alone 10k. Good luck. :D
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Agree with the tire change:eek:
You've had agood run to get that far on em.

Maybe some other things to consider

1) that was in the morning (cool air)
2) there seemed to be some damp spots on the road
3) where the slipp occured you were passing through a shadow (cold asphalt and not drying)

A combination of damp, cool air and cold road = cold tires (& balding tires!)
Many years ago I had something similar happen to me w/ my trans am. I had gone through a spot of road that was under construction and must of picked up a little dirt on my tires. Then I ran past someone washing their car on the side of the road. The next turn I came to I throttled through the turn like I would normally do, and her *** end whipped out on me. Ever since then if I hit any dirt at all, im careful in turns.

It looks like the same thing here. You picked up some mud (even if just a very slim coat or spot) on the front. Then a little wet on the road coupled with a worn tire equals loss of traction. Lotta people end up in a high side with one of those, glad you made it through ok.

I'm not sure what happened there, easier to make it out w slow mo..

Were you on the rear brake at all? Kinda looked like a braking wobble.
No brake at all, I was on throttle the whole time.
10,000 miles is quite a bit for the Roadsmarts.
Did you notice any scalloping on the front tire?

Motorcycle Tire Wear
I am not too sure about the scalloping, I have attached a picture of the front tire. I'm guessing it is scalloped?
I could tell what that was easily. Also, I watched the video BEFORE I read your post.

Hands down, the front tire momentarily lost a split second of grip between the cup(flat spot) & side wall in between the cup & chicken. It was very quick but the transition from the bald spot to side tread caused a quick loss, with over extension made for what appeared to be a minor tank slap while on an incline turn...

THEN, I read your description & saw you had 10k on that front tire. I would bet the farm it has a flat spot if you commute with it. Knowing your on plain jane roadsmarts further solidifies my opinion...

Some may argue apex position ect but with a better tire it would have stuck.

Go get a new tire!

The front is probably not as round as it was when new but it doesn't look like it is flat like the rear was when I replaced it. I have not replaced the front tire because it has not yet reached the wear indicators, but i guess if it is scalloped it will need to be replaced.

I wouldn't doubt that my positioning was bad, when you live in Florida, I don't think you don't get as many opportunities to practice positioning.


Thanks for everyone's input, I will be looking for a new tire soon!
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