iPod handle bar mount?


New Member
Does anyone have a handle bar mount for an iPod? Found some by ProArmor at NewEnoughhp.com but was just wondering if anyone has had any hands on experience with them. Thanks
I have a friend with a RAM Mount arm for his GPS on his FZ1. Apparently they make interchangeable heads for other items, including iPods/iPhones. He loves it.
if you are listening to music while riding how can you be aware of your surroundings?

personally I cant do it..
Personally, I can't be without it. The sound of the wind alone just makes my mind fall to sleep. I've found with some background music I keep better concentration. I think I have something to tune out allowing for better focus.

Whatever it is, I know it works for me.
I just love the sound of the engine, its music to my ears hah! And the wind doesnt bother me unless it cold.. cold wind bothers me :D
Personally, I can't be without it. The sound of the wind alone just makes my mind fall to sleep. I've found with some background music I keep better concentration. I think I have something to tune out allowing for better focus.

Whatever it is, I know it works for me.

Pretty much how I am....when I was in school I couldn't do homework without some kind of noise, whether it be music or the tv playing in the background. Silence just drives me nutso.
I just love the sound of the engine, its music to my ears hah! And the wind doesnt bother me unless it cold.. cold wind bothers me :D

I'm with you on this. I tried to put in ear plugs the other day to see if it would be better. I pulled over after about 5 miles and took them out. I like to here my engine and the cars around me. Although, I though about putting in some "walkman" speakers in my helmet just to have a faint sound of music in the background, but nothing in my ears.
TopDog live up to your name dude! Do what my friend did to his CBR, he put in speakers and he's fabricating the back seat for a sub!:D
I've tried listening to my iPod, but can't get the earbuds to stay in when I slide the helmet on...:mad:
I've tried listening to my iPod, but can't get the earbuds to stay in when I slide the helmet on...

Yea... same thing happens to me... I think when you're putting the helmet on (and assuming it's good and snug), your ear gets stretched a bit in the process, and the earbud pops out. I gave up after two rides with it.. cause it felt like one earbud was too loose and was distracting me.
TopDog live up to your name dude! Do what my friend did to his CBR, he put in speakers and he's fabricating the back seat for a sub!:D

Sweet! Love to see that
I've got flat speakers wedged into my helmet for music. Earbuds never seem to stay and they cut off too much outside noise. The speakers are far enough away from my head that I can still hear what's going on around me. It's real easy to do, just get some crappy/decent headphones for $10-20 and pull them off the headband. The speakers usually fit right into the area between the pads next to your ears.

If your not a "music while riding" type person, then enjoy the sounds you do like. :)
I hear you on the inserts into your helmet xplodstar...thats what I do..but Ive taken it one step further as I hate trying to get cords tucked in my jacket and what not. I got a ipod shuffle and its clipped onto my chin strap. Now its a self contained unit on my helmet!!

I can hear music AND traffic and I dont go batty with wind noise. I LOVE IT>

Oh, yeah, I really hate the wires too. I've got the speaker wires all run through the helmet with just the jack sticking out. I use an iRiver S10 which is about an inch by an inch and a half. The screen is a D-pad so I have it Velcro'd to the area in front of my chin in the helmet and use my chin to skip tracks or pause when needed.
