invisible motorcycle


New Member
when I first started riding, msf/ppl said to treat my bike as invisible.
well after almost 2 seasons of riding, I agree to it 101%.
wish I could've saved all those video footages and put them together into a "movie".

but here's one from today, going thru a playground zone, even at low speed you are invisible.
maybe is time to start to think about quitting 2wheels.
If it doean't have 2 headlights and a grill, it's just not there. You have to assume EVERYONE is trying to KILL YOU.
I will be honest, I think cops should be handing out tickets for evidence like that. That IS reckless indangerment and other things they could make up :p

4 days ago, Im riding with my father and he is in front of me and this CRAZY LADY goes over the median strip and is to my left with only inches from my leg and proceeds to tailgate my father with even less distance... I ended up following her and yelling my head off at her because that is beyond reckless but sadly a cop wont do anything here since there was no damage to any vehicle... They wait till someone dies or gets murdered to do something! :mad::mad::mad:
Move or die, that's my new expression.

Ride like your invisible doesn't work because cops can still ping you for speeding etc...

So back to move or die. Quite simply, people are like magpies, they see whiney things and it attracts their attention.

On approach to junctions vary your speed. One of the worst things a motorcyclist can do is hold a steady speed on a straight line. By holding a stead speed on that straight line you fade into the background, secondly it's boring and let's your mind drift away till you miss the car pull out.

So, step 1 slow or speed up around junctions with cars, the change in speed brings you to the fore front of the drivers attention.

step 2, move in your lane. By moving your now a big flashy light that brings you to their attention.

None of this requires hi vis, just movement. Try it at report the difference...

Step 3 make it home safely and drink beer. Winning :p
i cant see these cause i am at work but people do suck. i agree completely with driver as if no one can see you, or better yet just assume everyone is going to try and hit you on purpose! One of the things i really like about the idea of the spyder is not worying about dropping it or low siding trying to avoid something, however you do still have to be worried about someone hitting you.
You have to expect monkey business in traffic.

Slow down if there's a chance of someone doing something.

You basically have to get used to leaving big gaps and letting lots of people in and take the emotion out of it if they are pressuring or whatever.

Tailgaters that later skim past at speed when changing lanes are the worst thing for me.
ALWAYS expect what you don't think drivers should do.

1) They will never see you
2) They will always come into your lane
3) You are always in their blind spot
4) They aren't paying enough attention to you to know you're there
5) Being invisible means they can't see you, not to ride at lightning speed
6) Give yourself space, if you can't and the conditions are bad, and they permit pull over till there is some. Create space, there should be multiple exits for you on either side of you where possible.
7) Expect that at any given time, ANYTHING can and will happen.
8) Smile at the kids waving in the car next to you, then get out of their blind spot.

i love #8, i never ride in someones blind spot unless there is so much traffic you cant help it in which case its time to lane split (yea CA)
its amazing how much different lane splitting is depending on what city / interstate you are on.

lane splitting in Bakersfield's freeways is pointless on freeways to awkward and forced

lane slitting in la required since freeways are moving slightly faster than a turtle lol

going down casa de fruta to from I-5 to Monteray for laguna seca /motoGP at mazda raceway was one of the most amazing lane splitting events lol there where hundreds of bikes heading there and lane splitting in a convoy of bikes in that amazingly perfect fresh weather was an experience within itself

lane splitting in coming back from san fran to bako was crazy fun in the adrenalin aspect (good thing there where no cops around lol) I try to not do that often you are looking for trouble if you do

i have no problem lane splitting when traffic is backed up. When its that slow most people will get over when they see you coming and leave you a nice wide lane. I wont split lanes when traffic is already moving 50 though, i see a lot of guys do it but makes me too nervous. Drivers are not expecting it and too many holes for lane changing imo.
Honestly, I see this sort of thing all the time and much worse. In some cases I am convinced they do in fact see you, and just do their dick move anyway. Annoying as hell, but as a motorcyclist, you and only you are truly responsible for your safety. It sucks sometimes, but I don't use my bike to commute, only for pleasure. So it's not so bad.
Honestly, I see this sort of thing all the time and much worse. In some cases I am convinced they do in fact see you, and just do their dick move anyway. Annoying as hell, but as a motorcyclist, you and only you are truly responsible for your safety. It sucks sometimes, but I don't use my bike to commute, only for pleasure. So it's not so bad.

I totally agree bottom line is its your responsibility not to get hit. I also only use my bike for pleasure as well. I think that riding to work the same route every day gets you complacent and not paying the solid attention you should when on a bike. It happens to me in my car, cant help it driving the same route for 10 years.
when i first started riding, msf/ppl said to treat my bike as invisible.
Well after almost 2 seasons of riding, i agree to it 101%.
Wish i could've saved all those video footages and put them together into a "movie".

But here's one from today, going thru a playground zone, even at low speed you are invisible.
Maybe is time to start to think about quitting 2wheels.

I just starting my riding career about two months ago and I have already thought to myself to begin riding like i was invisible so its funny there is a thread on here about exactly this. If i had my gopro on me i would probably already have enough footage of close calls for an awareness story on the news lol. the real point of this post is to ask where everybody thinks is the best place to mount or wear a gopro while riding without it being tacky, annoying, etc. oh... and ride safe!:)
Having said what I said, sometimes unavoidable shit still happens and that does indeed suck balls.

As for gopro, helmet is best if you want to be able to aim the camera everywhere you turn your head... Depend on what kind of video you prefer to capture

Edit: saw you don't want tacky or what not so maybe you don't want helmet. In that case, forget what I said as I don't have one yet myself haha

Yeah the helmet cam is super tacky in my opinion. too many losers taking horrible footage with them lol. I was thinking about somehow mounting one right under the wind screen looking through it. It would probably take some pretty fuzzy footage tho
