I need advice...on a job offer


New Member
Take the consistent income and spend your time getting some education that can get you moving in a better direction. As for your girl, I’m on her side. This “all you need is love” is a bunch of crap. We wouldn’t hesitate a moment if you were going off on crack, or became a serious alcoholic or has a major gambling addiction that was destroying your life together. She isn’t there JUST for you, she is there for you and the life you can have together. If you loved each other but she turned into a crack head, I’m sure you would put in the effort to get her clean and get her back, but if you couldn’t, you would move on. Inability to support your family, hold a job and make a living. A living, read that word carefully, it means ability to live. To take away your girl’s chance to live, regardless of the ‘level’ of comfort, isn’t fair to her. If I decided to drop my job to be an starving artist, I don’t do that just to myself, I do that to my family. It may only be her right now, but I’m sure she feels someday it will be more. Its genetics for a woman to seen stability. It’s how they are wired.

Sometimes, all they need is to know you are putting in the effort to be more. To grow. We all look for that in our significant other, the belief that as time goes by, they will grow with you in different way. If she can only see the repetition of $900 per month jobs, she can see the future and it isn’t rosie. Take the consistent money and make an effort to step up to the next level. You might not make it, but its more about the effort. Relationships have fallen for things as simple and not stepping up and doing the dishes. It’s never about the money, the dishes or the symbolic things we want to attach them to. It’s about the effort.

I agree partially. No, not all you need is love. I've heard countless couples who have been together for 15+ years say that they are more in love with their spouses now than when they first got married. I've been to many marriage seminars, read many books, basically I do whatever I can to make my marriage more appealing for myself AND my wife. It's a 2-way street. Yes you need love, but you also need to be able to know that no matter what happens, whether it's in your control or not, that you will be together. Once you get married and say those two words, you become one and you agree to work through the hard times. "Through richer and poorer". From your original post, I don't see her being able to say "yes" to that honestly but of course, you aren't yet married. Perhaps that will change by the time you do decide to get married. If not, I'm so sorry for you and wish you the best. Anyways, married life isn't about surviving, it's about taking the life journey with each other. Remember, you become one, so if she, like you said, ends up in a wheelchair, gets cancer, goes brain dead, you name it, you will always be there for her. She needs that same mentality. You owe it to yourself. Take care man!

Once again, good luck on the new job! Hope it fulfills your financial needs!


New Member
Are you selling those shirt? I can see myself wearing a Life is like poo sandwich shirt! LOL I'll take one in French too! Sandwich a marde! LOL:canada:

It sounds better when you use the sh!t word, but I didn't want to break any language laws.

