I HATE cagers...


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On my way to work this morning, I had a cager p!ss me off!! They didn't even really do anything to me. I pulled up to a stop light and was watching my mirrors like I always do. I watched a 16' panel truck stop behind me, no big deal.

What happened next made my blood boil. As we were waiting for the light to change, the passenger threw an entire garbage bag of sh!t out the window and onto the ground at the roadside. I saw it in my mirror, so I turned around and looked right at him, glaring from behind my tinted visor. I started shaking my head in disgust. All they did was smile and laugh, like littering and leaving debris in the road was a big f*cking joke!! :mad::spank:

What is this world coming to? The state of the human race really saddens me.


New Member
On my way to work this morning, I had a cager p!ss me off!! They didn't even really do anything to me. I pulled up to a stop light and was watching my mirrors like I always do. I watched a 16' panel truck stop behind me, no big deal.

What happened next made my blood boil. As we were waiting for the light to change, the passenger threw an entire garbage bag of sh!t out the window and onto the ground at the roadside. I saw it in my mirror, so I turned around and looked right at him, glaring from behind my tinted visor. I started shaking my head in disgust. All they did was smile and laugh, like littering and leaving debris in the road was a big f*cking joke!! :mad::spank:

What is this world coming to? The state of the human race really saddens me.

That isn't a cager thing, that's a person's personality thing...

But I give the headshake every now and them to idiots.


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See... what I hate is...

...making a left at a busy intersection and some dipwad in a car pulling up right along side me... thinking 'oh, there's space... its just a bike... i'll make the left when he does'... yeah, okay jerk. And I'll be under your front tire? How about wait your turn and obey the rules of the road? Just cuz I'm a bike, doesn't mean you shouldn't treat me with the same respect as a car.

I flipped off and glared at this loser in his rusted out VW Golf and he just didn't get it. If I would've had a short length of pipe, he would've lost a mirror.


Thuper Moderator
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You guys are saying that it's not cagers, but people. I have to disagree. I feel that most people who ride know better than to throw junk in the road. For us, it's a safety issue, not just a matter of being messy people. I never see bikers throw junk on the ground, and I have ridden with people that were carrying drinks and other things that could have easily been disposed of improperly. I truly believe that it is a cager mentality that "I'm enclosed in my car, aka my own little world, and I don't give a rat's behind what is going on outside my vehicle."

Just before I got to work, still mad about the littering, a guy nearly sat through an entire green light to pick his fro. :mad:

Yes, the cagers are people, and that is where the problem lies. But, I also feel that being in a car renders people senseless and oblivious to the outside world.


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I have to agree it is a people thing not "cager" thing. 75% of my commuting time is done in my SUV or right now, my rental car, and only 15% is done on my bike. That ratio suggests I'm more cager than biker but I have never littered. While in my vehicle or otherwise. Contrary I've had fellow bikers in my vehicle and they've either told me to throw something out the window or they themselves say they're going to do it and I tell them no, just leave it in the car and I'll dispose of it properly. Littering isn't a flaw in cagers specifically, it's a flaw throughout mankind.


New Member
However, I lane split all the time coming to a stop light. And not because I want to be first, but to keep my ass from being exposed to an idiot cager not paying any attention and possibly hitting me from behind. I'll only do it when there's plenty of room between the two lanes, I know there's time before the light will turn green, and I feel it's safe.

If I come up to a light and I'm going to be the first in line, I do always sit in the middle of the lane for this very reason.

I avoid that at ALL costs!! :rof:

But. seriously, I do the same for the same reasons....I don't want to be sandwiched. I hate when you split to the front and the guy at the front wants to take off...just to spite that you cut to the front, I guess.

I split the stop and go traffic, but at a safe, slow speed. And, it depends on where I'm at. Around the San Francisco area, most commuters are use to seeing motorcycles hence they look out for us (most of the time), but when I get into Napa, most of the motorcycles are on the roads on the weekends and are up in the hills...so, I'm more scared to ride around the city of Napa than in San Francisco.

And, to return to the thread...My biggest petpeeve is cigarette butts being thrown out the window....especially when I'm riding next to/behind them!!
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Got a bit of a surprise

On the way to work this morning, 3 lane road, I'm in the far right lane behind an SUV.

Coming from a stop light, we pass the lead car in the middle lane. I wait and see if he gets over, nothing, so I signal and proceed to change lanes. Well, now the suv decided he wants to change so I give him a beep of my horn and he gets back over in his lane and when I pass he gives me a "my bad" wave. He even went so far as to give me another one when we get to the next red light so I gave him a thumbs up to let him know all's good. Guess if you're gonna scold the dumbasses, you gotta praise the ones that honestly mean no harm.

And while I'm at it, I'm going to give a big thumbs up to the TN-DOT. This weekend on all the electronic traffic signs over the interstates in Memphis they displayed the message: DRIVE SAFE... PLEASE WATCH OUT FOR MOTORCYCLES!
I was impressed.


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Los Angeles city freeway signs... :)


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And while I'm at it, I'm going to give a big thumbs up to the TN-DOT. This weekend on all the electronic traffic signs over the interstates in Memphis they displayed the message: DRIVE SAFE... PLEASE WATCH OUT FOR MOTORCYCLES!
I was impressed.

I actually live in East Tennessee. I had heard on the radio a couple of times about it being Motorcycle Safety Awareness. I think I MAY have seen a sign or two myself. I agree that it is nice for TN to do something like this, in an attempt to make people aware that we are out there and to be more alert. The only problem is how many people out there were too busy talking on the phone or sending text messages, instead of reading the sign boards.

Below are some things related to the awareness month. There are a few other ads they played on the radio. I will add links, if I am successful in finding them online.

Article about the Safety Awareness
TDOS Joins Agencies to Urge Drivers & Riders to ?Share the Road? | TN.gov Newsroom
Motorcycle Rider Education Program

Radio Ads I have heard on the radio, pulled from second link above


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In Colorado, the last few weeks the VSM boards have said "Watch for Motorcycles on the road". What this means to most Colorado drivers is: "Gee Honey, now we have to drive over the potholes and the motorcycles"!!


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Guess if you're gonna scold the dumbasses, you gotta praise the ones that honestly mean no harm.

That's why I always give a nice wave to a cager when they do something nice for me....like moving over during splitting traffic or slowing down so I can merge over and such. Gotta try and fix that bad image of bikers that the few jack-asses put out there of us all. :thumbup:


New Member
On the way to work this morning, 3 lane road, I'm in the far right lane behind an SUV.

Coming from a stop light, we pass the lead car in the middle lane. I wait and see if he gets over, nothing, so I signal and proceed to change lanes. Well, now the suv decided he wants to change so I give him a beep of my horn and he gets back over in his lane and when I pass he gives me a "my bad" wave. He even went so far as to give me another one when we get to the next red light so I gave him a thumbs up to let him know all's good. Guess if you're gonna scold the dumbasses, you gotta praise the ones that honestly mean no harm.

And while I'm at it, I'm going to give a big thumbs up to the TN-DOT. This weekend on all the electronic traffic signs over the interstates in Memphis they displayed the message: DRIVE SAFE... PLEASE WATCH OUT FOR MOTORCYCLES!
I was impressed.

Some guy in a U-Haul did that to me, and he rolled down his window and gave me a "My bad wave" except he didn't get back over, I slammed my brakes and shook my head. The car behind me saw the whole thing and the lady asked if I was ok and I gave her a thumbs up.
