I don't think some people ill ever learn.

not all GSXR riders are like that, everyone I ride with preaches ATGATT... and leads by example.

I had a conversation with a HS buddy who has a HD... he says he'll gear up if it's a spirited ride, but if it's just a relaxing Sunday ride, he goes t-shirt and jeans (no helmet even... OH....).... I tell him, Deer don't know what kind of ride you are on, and he still says he'll take his chances.... his choice I guess

Yes I know not all GSXR riders are like that but the majority of people I've encountered at like that. Even my sister's friends of friends who have a little riding group of all gixxers. None of them wear gear except goggles.
I think for some of the older HD guys it's a generational thing. People didn't used to get geared up like we do today, and have since adopted the mentality of "Well it hasn't killed me yet..." :banghead:

Every now and again I go for a ride with my fiancées father. I have to yell at the guy not to get on his bmw K1200GT wearing shorts, a Hawaiian shirt, loafers with no socks, an open faced helmet, and or course, thin gloves with no fingertips. The kicker is, he owns full gear, and never wears it unless I give him sh*t. :disapprove:

I know for some people it is also a comfort thing. I swear my fiancée will only ride when it's between 72 and 78 degrees with less than 50% humidity. I'm exaggerating of course, but if it's not what she considers nice out, she just won't ride. She's smart enough not to go out without full gear for the sake of comfort.

I personally own a couple jackets for different temperatures, a perforated leather jacket, and a wind and waterproof textile jacket with a thick liner, that is slightly big so I can wear layers under it, and a set of mesh pants that I can still wear a pair of pants under. I have never really been that uncomfortable except when stuck in traffic on a hot day, but as soon as I'm moving I'm good to go.
I agree with bigguybbr that it may be a comfort thing. But there is so much gear out there anymore that is designed for different riding conditions that its not really a good excuse, I wont ride without at least gloves, jeans, helmet and my textile jacket myself. the jacket does get hot even with the liner out of it during the summer in the Texas panhandle. but I would rather potential sweat a lil at a stop light then lose skin from going down for some reason. But if they wont right safe with gear then aint nothing I can do about it after I give them my two cents other then choose not to ride with them I guess.
Gear up and ride safe:wav:
I think for some of the older HD guys it's a generational thing. People didn't used to get geared up like we do today, and have since adopted the mentality of "Well it hasn't killed me yet..." :banghead:

Have to agree. It's not just older HD guys. My riding buddy whose about 60ish has been riding bikes for 25 years. He gave them up in the 90s and now he's riding again with these "brand new FI bikes". He hates HD btw.

His son (my best friend) rides as well and always nags him about wearing his gear. He always wears his helmet of course but other gear he puts on sometimes. Nowadays he knows to wear gear when he rides with me.
OK guys...I won't show you all any pictures of my butt because they aren't pretty....:eek: A red rashed out butt and thigh with no skin is beyong gross. Here is an X-ray of my fret hand...sucks to play guitar after this...
John Broke His Wrist Inline Skating - X-Rays and Photos a Broken Wrist

I inline skate....actually I race full marathons if 26.2 miles on skates.
When racing, the only requirements are for a helmet. They wear skin suits and a helmet only and at times exceed 30 mph.

Since I live close to the beach, I have a 52 mile one way skate path that is mostly cement. While practicing, I have been down 2 times while wearing only a helmet, Tee shirt and shorts (I don't wear the skinsuit so I don't get cat calls in Venice by the gays and yelled at for being gay by everyone else).
It's almost as bad as wearing a speedo...LOL I'm not gay but if you wear a skin suit at the beach it's like wearing a wrestling uniform..nothing is left to the imagination IYKWIM and you will get teased.

Now lets put this into perspective. The world record holders do a marathon in under 60 minutes so they average more than 26.2 mph with 35 mph bursts. I do it in just under 2 hours so I average around 13 mph and can get up to 26 mph if I really am pushing it.

So going down on a motorcycle with blue jeans and a sweat shirt at say 60 mph vs me hitting the street or sidewalk at about 20 mph (I fell while hauling butt and dodging tourists in Hermosa Beach) There is no comparison.
My shorts rode up and I was bare assed until I stopped. UnderArmor doesn't do squat. It takes about 3 months of leaking scabby butt skin to heal enough that the bandage doesn't stick in the wound and have to be pulled out in the shower anymore. The first time I went down was at about 20 mph and I shattered a wrist and fractured a vertebrae in addition to losing most of the skin on my butt. The second time I had to jump a couple of boogie boards kids were dragging behind them when crossing the strand in Hermosa Beach again. Now I wear helmet, knee and wrist guards for practice and racing. ATGATT....I have probably logged 20,000 miles on skates and been down 6 times but each time down was an injury without the gear except on where I cracked 2 ribs doing a jump across 6 feet of sand from 1 sidewalk to another at night in Venice...Doooohhhhhhh. I haven't fallen skating down from the street onto Santa Monica pier but that would be just terrible.

So to take the big slider while on a motorcycle at 60 mph is way beyond what happened to me skating. Catastrophic is more like it if you aren't wearing the gear. It is a pain in the butt to put it all on for a ride of 10 minutes and take it off, stay 5 minutes, put it on and ride home again but one crash will be all it takes. You can't compare a 20 mph crash on skates vs a 60 mph low side on a bike.

My crashes were from other people not looking before they crossed in front of me and that is what happens to motorcyclists too. Stay safe and protected out there and have fun.

Thanks John for reminding us how long it takes for skin to recover if it does at all (skin graphs:eek:) I just spent a chunk of change on my last piece of equipment(Revit gear pants) they were expensive but obviously worth while when you consider the alternative(Jeans). I have seen people with shorts on the highway traveling at warp speed, it looked cool on a hot morning but what a risk. Anyway as I have said before I hope these people sign their organ donor cards. Cheers :Sport:<-Hey! How come this has no gear
I figure I ride my own ride and others can do the same. I don't tell people they can't ride with me if they aren't wearing gear, they can wear whatever they want. Let's just go ride!
You can't cure stupid,.....and not all your friends are gonna be the smartest. Whatcha gonna do......! I think you've done your best when you advise them and move on, even if you don't ride with them any more. You can still meet for a beer later, (after the ride of course)!

You can't cure stupid,.....and not all your friends are gonna be the smartest. Whatcha gonna do......! I think you've done your best when you advise them and move on, even if you don't ride with them any more. You can still meet for a beer later, (after the ride of course)!

Monkey see monkey do! Don't join the club...



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