how old are you?


New Member
so i guess i'll start this off,
im 19 turn 20 in jan.

i have a feeling i might be one of the younger or youngest in here. :(

haha, so how old are you guys?
darn i was looking for the search box and couldn't find it but now i looked a little more closely and maan i feel dub :p
I'm 54, damn more than a half century!!! I don't feel old though! Must be the bike riding, been doing it since 1973, it was my first license. How many of you weren't even born then?;)

Da Old Man

I'm 54, damn more than a half century!!! I don't feel old though! Must be the bike riding, been doing it since 1973, it was my first license. How many of you weren't even born then?;)

Da Old Man

Ahh don't worry. I'm 54 too. I can still outrun some of those young whipper snappers too. HEHE
