How much did you pay for servicing your bike.

Dan McLean

New Member
I bought my FZ6R in Feb last year, I had my 1500k service done, now next month it is due its 10000k service. Before i go any further I am in Australia. Now my 1500k cost me $250, so I called today and asked the Yamaha shop how much my 10,000k service will cost me, the guy quoted around $450 to $500. Now I am a mechanics and i can service a car for much less than this, quite a bit less actually. I know the oil and filter will be around $60 at their prices, plus spark plugs are around $40, everything else to check but i cant imagine how they come by this figure. I don't want to not get it done as it will un-validate the second year warranty,, How much did you guys pay for your 10000 service ?
I believe for my 600 service it was approx $150 USD. But I believe that's just an oil change and chain adjustment and overall check. Bit steep, but for my first service I wanted to let them do it. Moving forward I may do the maintenance myself, most warranty companies will allow for you to do your own maintenance as long as you keep good receipts and records showing you keep up with it (at least for cars).
Do it yourself. It will NOT void your warranty. Just keep a log book with date/service/any receipts. Much cheaper and you know it was actually done.
When I bought my bike, I purchased a separate deal for $500 that covered all maintenance and accessories were put on free. But if I didn't purchase that, I would have spent about $2000 on my bike for service. The last service I had done was my 12k service????(not sure if there is a 12k service, i just brought it in at that mileage). That invovled the steering head bearings, the valve adjustment, spark plug replacement, air filter, oil change etc... but if I had to pay for that service, that would have cost me about $800.

At the main Yamaha Dealer in Adelaide I had mine done for only $180!
I was surpirsed by how reasonable that was too!

Regarding your warranty -just keep reciepts and sign off you bookwork with dates and copies of the receipts shouldn't be any hassles!

Only peeps with NF Idea care about that crap
Thanks guys, not sure about doing it myself, i know it is a piece of p**s to do it but something tells me it has to be done by the dealership or a Yamaha approved service center to keep the warranty valid, or at least im sure i read that somewhere...
I will go en quire to the price and ask to have a detailed report on what was done, checked and adjusted,,,,
I only want it done to cover the 2nd year, then after this one i do it all myself,,,
Thanks again,,,
I work for a car dealership and work with extended warranties all day, we have people that have sludge in their motors (from obvious lack of oil changes) and as long as they have receipts from where they purchased oil or receipts from having the oil changed the warranty will replace it no problem.

I did the air box mod on my fz6r with extended warranty. I think that might have voided the warranty.. I haven't taken it in for the 4,000 mile service, and my bike is at about 5,300 miles now. I did however, keep up with the oil changes, cable lubing, and chain maintenance. I did not save any receipts though..:( Any advice? I don't want to roll up to the dealership, and totally get taken advantage of.
