How many have removed decals

Lighter fluid on a soft towel gets the sticker residue off easily and completely. Pull off the sticker leaving as little crap as possible. Pulling towards your body is easier than folding it back and trying to peel it like a banana. Doing it this way removes more of the glue initially. That's what worked for me. Anyway, once you get the stickers off, wet the towel with the lighter fluid and place it over the spot where the sticker was and leave it there for a few minutes. Once the lighter fluid softens up the glue, it will wipe off easily. Wipe it off in small spots at a time or you'll just smear it into a gooey mess.
i removed all the decals (stars, gas tank warning, yamaha) and i just did it like mike1000 did by pulling them towards me instead of folding it back like a banana (this was mostly just on the stars. the yamaha letters and gas tank sticker came off in little pieces). just have patience and dont worry about residue. i used rubbing alcohol on everything but the gas tank sticker residue and it worked like a champ. as for the pain in the ass gas tank sticker residue, i got some 3M adhesive remover (HERE) which i had to order online. i could not find it in any stores. i read somewhere that somebody found it at walmart, but i couldnt. i tried everything on the gas tank warning sticker (duct tape, rubbing alcohol, lighter fluid) and nothing worked for me. i didnt want to try goo gone because it is rumored that it can remove clear coat. the 3M adhesive remover was amazing. i sprayed it on and waited a minute then wiped it off and it was nice and residue free. i think it really cleaned the bike up alot removing the decals. it looks better in my opinion. but opinions are like farts. everyones stinks but ur own. :D
I removed the gas tank sticker (what a pain in the ass!) I also removed the shooting stars, not sure if I'm going to get rid of the large star yet..will see in the spring.
Still not sure why it's so difficult for folks. I don't remember which post, but heating up (just a little) the area with a hair dryer first and then using lighter fluid on a cloth made the process very quick and painless.
Still not sure why it's so difficult for folks. I don't remember which post, but heating up (just a little) the area with a hair dryer first and then using lighter fluid on a cloth made the process very quick and painless.

Lighter fluid on paint? :S

A razor blad and some 3M adhesive remover will make it faster. and its safe on paint as long as you know what your doing with the blade haha
Why so cynical? Several people have done it over time including myself ... works like a champ, zero harm to the paint. Shall I ask the same about a razor blade to the tank??? You don't need to be an expert with the lighter fluid ... just a little heat as stated in my post and you will have a much easier method with no harm compared to a razor blade ... guaranteed.
i think the decal removal is kinda like oil. its all preference. just get it off (that's what she said :D ). but i do have to say as far as the residue goes. the 3M adhesive remover was the only thing that really got EVERYTHING off. i finally broke down and bought it and it took about 1 minute to really set in. it actually had me say "holy sh*t" when i started to easily wipe off the remaining residue just because of how easy it was.

Lighter fluid on paint? :S

A razor blad and some 3M adhesive remover will make it faster. and its safe on paint as long as you know what your doing with the blade haha
Man you're just kidding about the razor blade thing right? Lol...Sharp blade against my paint or harmless lighter easy choice even if I was a surgeon. I know you were just joking around tho.
