How Do You Deal with Tailgaters?


Well-Known Member
I know there is a tailgater thread here:

but i specifically want to know how you deal with them. Do you pull over? Slow to a snails pace or leave them in the dust? Share.

I'll usually on a 2-lane slow down and just for 1) piss them off and 2) give more time to stop if something does occur that I have to slam the brakes
On the interstate I'll just go at my own pace and let them figure out how to go around me if they are going that fast.
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pennies and tacs could work fairly well. I usually just move over. It just pisses me off when I am moving along pretty fast, a tailgater flies up on my ass, I move to the right side of my lane (when in the left), turn on my blinker, head check, and begin my move, and they decide they want to pass me on the right just about running me over in the process. That usually gets a nice middle finger.


Lumen Junkie
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Anyone and I mean anyone that drives like an idiot around me, I either let go by me or blow past them. Tailgaters, cell phone f*cktards, ppl smoking (i've no idea why they're bad, they just seem to always be over the road) - all of them, I just get away from them.

Other ppl I avoid:
Anyone with a multi coloured vehicle (ie: red car, yellow door)
Anyone with a lot of dings
All BMWs, mini-vans and expensive SUVs
Asian ppl (I know, I know - sorry).


New Member
I know what the politically correct thing to do in this situation on two lanes, but I can't remember ever actually slowing down and blah, blah, blah... I haven't haven't had a car or truck behind me yet that can accelerate like I can - so I'm out.

On the interstate I don't lounge in the left lane - it's for passing - and our roads would be a lot safer if everyone treated it that way...

On Freeways or heavily traveled interstates I do whatever I can to keep some space between me and other cars...If that means speed up I will, if it means slow down I will. Freeways around here are like a warzone - head on a swivel, sometimes defensive, sometimes offensive - whatever is required for survival...


Well-Known Member
On the interstate I don't lounge in the left lane - it's for passing - and our roads would be a lot safer if everyone treated it that way...
I do agree with that statement whole heartedly.
On the interstates, I'm in the left lane if the right is slower than I am, but If someone rides up on me even though I'm going faster than average traffic, it's their problem to wait on me to get around.

Other ppl I avoid:
All BMWs
Come on now, not "All" BMWs are retard drivers =P


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Slow down, ride on edge, look on the driver frequently.
In most cases the driver understands why you are looking on him/her and stops tailgating.

Or just speed up and leave the bastard behind! :D
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This is exactly what I was thinking. I have yet to be tailgated on a two lane road by a car. Most two lane roads I'm on are twisty mountain roads and only other bikes can keep up or go faster. As for freeways or larger 4 lane roads, I just adjust my riding for the situation. Sometimes that means move over, sometimes it means gun it and get the F@#K out of there. I tell people all the time, when you see sportbikes on the freeway going a little faster than everyone else and sometimes making sudden moves, it's not always (sometimes it is but not always) guys being asses. A lot of times it's us driving to keep ourselves out of dangerous situations.

I had an SUV behind me yesterday, not on a very curvy road and he was able to keep up because we were in a school zone (25 mph) and still was tucked right up my ascot. This was 2 lane so no option for a lane change. I just let the trottle off and let the RPM's wind down to slow down, I was doing 30 to begin with, raised my visor and over the shoulder glared at him. He got the message that I wasn't happy being tailgated and back off enough where he wouldn't INSTANTLY kill me if something happened and I spilled. I try not to speed too much, to do what I can to fight the stereotype of crazy sportbikers, and am totally opposed to speeding in a schoolzone to get away from an idiot. How bad would any of us feel for waxing some kid on their way to class because we wanted to get away from an idiot?


New Member
pennies and tacs could work fairly well. I usually just move over. It just pisses me off when I am moving along pretty fast, a tailgater flies up on my ass, I move to the right side of my lane (when in the left), turn on my blinker, head check, and begin my move, and they decide they want to pass me on the right just about running me over in the process. That usually gets a nice middle finger.

Biochemist or molecular biologist?


New Member
I'm usually with the flow on the fast/past lane whatever you want to call it. But if there is a jerk behind me while no one if in front of me then I'll speed up and move over to try to get out of the way.

You don't know if they're drunk, stoned, shroomed, or whatever is the name these days.

Also read an article where a guy was in his car with his pregnant wife and a car in the opposite lane was driving head first on to him and he knew he didn't have enough time, if he swerved then he would kill his wife and kid so he made it so the damage would kill him only.

Also the kids were all stoned.

Oh and also in the story this guy was being tailgated by this car and when he let them pass he kept blocking him so he pulled out a gun and started trying to shoot their tires. Police interview said the guy who was messing with him admitted he was messing with him a little and the guy with the gun said he was freaked out/annoyed or something.


New Member
Anyone and I mean anyone that drives like an idiot around me, I either let go by me or blow past them. Tailgaters, cell phone f*cktards, ppl smoking (i've no idea why they're bad, they just seem to always be over the road) - all of them, I just get away from them.

Other ppl I avoid:
Anyone with a multi coloured vehicle (ie: red car, yellow door)
Anyone with a lot of dings
All BMWs, mini-vans and expensive SUVs
Asian ppl (I know, I know - sorry).



New Member
I'll move over, last time I did, I saw the guy getting a ticket just around the next few turns. Speeding up won't help, these people will just speed up too, sure you could "outrun" them, but I'm not going to take a chance of getting a ticket because of someone else's bad habit.

What really ticks me off is that most of the time, thees people will do 20-30 miles over the speed limit, but then just sit there on your butt, get over to let them pass, they get around, then they still pace you...:( it's like they have no clue how to just drive, they are out there looking for other vehicles to attach themselves to.

I move over too...even if its a two lane, I'll even move onto the shoulder or white line and wave them by. I don't want to be focusing my attention to my rear and not see the hazards ahead of me. I don't need to prove anything to the jackass. If they're in that much of a hurry, let them go by. That way, they can haul @$$ up ahead and get the attention of the radar gun...then the path is clear for me. :)


New Member
Anyone and I mean anyone that drives like an idiot around me, I either let go by me or blow past them. Tailgaters, cell phone f*cktards, ppl smoking (i've no idea why they're bad, they just seem to always be over the road) - all of them, I just get away from them.

Other ppl I avoid:
Anyone with a multi coloured vehicle (ie: red car, yellow door)
Anyone with a lot of dings
All BMWs, mini-vans and expensive SUVs
Asian ppl (I know, I know - sorry).

So basically you don't leave your house?


New Member
OK guys I'll confess.....

It was 1974 and I was riding the only BSA 650 Lightning on the entire Island of Oahu. I know this because I crated and shipped it there and it was a cherry 1968 model with a 3/4 drag race cam and TT forks and Koni shocks. I got caught going up H2 with an ARMY buddy on the back at 128 mph. I don't know how fast it'd go as I never tried to see after that. I got off with a burnt out tail light ticket because the Cop had never seen a bike like that before and he was a cool dude.

One night I was driving back to the North Shore from the Windy Side and a little Datsun with a couple of Samoans in it was right on my butt. I knew there were 2 of them because if there was only one, it would be leaning really bad on the driver's side like all Hawaiian cars do after a while if owned by 350+ lb Samoans. I gassed her to get some room and then slammed on the rear brake as hard as I could and the smoke from the locked up tire must've scared the shyte outta the driver because he turned to avoid me and went down a 200 foot embankment and stopped in a ditch and into a big volcanic boulder. I stopped to make sure they weren't dead and knew no way they could climb up and kick my butt. They were fine so I gave them the single finger salute and drove back to Schoffield Barracks feeling bad about my choice.

Nowa' days I just signal and pull to the right and let them pass.


New Member
OK guys I'll confess.....
One night I was driving back to the North Shore from the Windy Side and a little Datsun with a couple of Samoans in it was right on my butt. I knew there were 2 of them because if there was only one, it would be leaning really bad on the driver's side like all Hawaiian cars do after a while if owned by 350+ lb Samoans. I gassed her to get some room and then slammed on the rear brake as hard as I could and the smoke from the locked up tire must've scared the shyte outta the driver because he turned to avoid me and went down a 200 foot embankment and stopped in a ditch and into a big volcanic boulder. I stopped to make sure they weren't dead and knew no way they could climb up and kick my butt. They were fine so I gave them the single finger salute and drove back to Schoffield Barracks feeling bad about my choice.

Whoa, now that is just Nucking Futs!


New Member
I'm usually with the flow on the fast/past lane whatever you want to call it. But if there is a jerk behind me while no one if in front of me then I'll speed up and move over to try to get out of the way.

In this state (WA) that is illegal. It's not just a courtesy to stay right unless passing it is a state law in many states. They are probably riding your ass for this very reason.
