How Do You Deal with Tailgaters?

I usually wave them back (arm down waving like I'm paddling a boat). It only seems to work with woman. If that doesn't work I'll do whatever it takes to avoid them (i.e. change lanes, or speed off).

I waved off a driver once that was tailing me in a clover-leaf in the rain. He proceeded to follow closer. At that point I was a little ticked-off.

After I merged on the freeway (I-405) he passed me while I gave him the finger. He returned the favor and then swerved into my lane. At that point I offered him to pull over, so we could "work" this out without his 3 ton weapon. He pulled over with me and then wussed out and took off before he came to a complete stop. Then I came up on him soon after since the highway slowed in traffic while I was in the HOV (commuter/motorcycle) lane. He jumped into the HOV lane and tailgated me again, so I came to a complete stop. At this point he tried to merge back for about 10-15 seconds with the freeway traffic but no one would let him back in since he was in the car by himself and couldn't merge from being stopped. He finally just swerved in front of everyone and all three lanes came to a complete stop, because of his eradicate driving. Meanwhile I look up and there is now noone on the whole freeway ahead for a 1/4 mile because of one lone a$$hole.

It sure was nice having the freeway to myself for the rest of my commute. ;)
i try to get out of the way,better safe than sorry... i dont like any vehicles close to me period, let alone behind me. pull over let them pass, plus if there are any cops ahead i wont be the first one they see speeding...

This is what I do too.
Life is too short
Karma is the equalizer
In this state (WA) that is illegal. It's not just a courtesy to stay right unless passing it is a state law in many states. They are probably riding your ass for this very reason.

Are you saying that in WA you must stay to the LEFT unless passing?? Because every time I've driven through Oregon and Washington on Highway 5 (4-5 times at least), I noticed that the local people would pull onto the freeway and automatically get into the far left lane no matter what speed they were going. At least 15 times on just one trip! No joke. My wife even said something to me about it, and she was in another car. Also, one time we were towing our camping trailer and I would be in the 'slow' lane with the cruise control set at 65-70 MPH. Continually, people would pass us up at about 75 or so and then change lanes right in front of me with less than a half of a car length. We were the only two vehicles on the road! Those two phenomenons were so predictable, we would laugh when it DIDN'T happen. Because in California, "slow traffic keep right", especially if towing.
Are you saying that in WA you must stay to the LEFT unless passing?? Because every time I've driven through Oregon and Washington on Highway 5 (4-5 times at least), I noticed that the local people would pull onto the freeway and automatically get into the far left lane no matter what speed they were going. At least 15 times on just one trip! No joke. My wife even said something to me about it, and she was in another car. Also, one time we were towing our camping trailer and I would be in the 'slow' lane with the cruise control set at 65-70 MPH. Continually, people would pass us up at about 75 or so and then change lanes right in front of me with less than a half of a car length. We were the only two vehicles on the road! Those two phenomenons were so predictable, we would laugh when it DIDN'T happen. Because in California, "slow traffic keep right", especially if towing.

lol, it would certainly seem so. I swear we have some of the laziest drivers.

I think their routine is get in the left lane, proceed at 5 mph under the speed limit while on their phone (also illegal), while sipping their Starbucks, with thier big mac in hand, and steer with their knee.
In this state (WA) that is illegal. It's not just a courtesy to stay right unless passing it is a state law in many states. They are probably riding your ass for this very reason.

It's not really illegal here in Florida I don't think but it's courtesy of course. But then again I am averaging 70 - 75 in that lane and anyone going faster than that is being even more illegal, illegaler?
The whole 'stay to the right unless passing' actually is a law in Florida, they just don't enforce it... Legislature tried to pass a stronger law a few years ago, but Jeb wouldn't sign it. Said he didn't want to penalize people in the left lane that weren't speeding. Ughhh...

In Europe they take the passing-lane-lounging thing very serious and have far fewer accidents because faster traffic can safely pass and people know to stay (or get) the hell out of the way.... Here people just get pissed if you come up behind them and hit your brights to let them know you want to pass. I still do it anyway...
I primarily encounter tailgaters in Atlanta rush-hour traffic. It's usually not possible to move over for them or outrun them. Most of the time I am generally stuck with the tailgater on my rear with five packed lanes going one direction.

I try to get in the HOV lane when able, but sometimes my exit is too close and it's not worth the battle to get back across five lanes to take my exit.

I'm not a fan of being crushed by a a jerkwad tailgater, so I will slow down to a speed remarkably slower than all the traffic around me for the purposes of self-preservation, and then manuever in the lane so they can't get around me for a couple miles. Usually the bumper-to-bumper traffic around us is cooperative in refusing to let the tailgater around me, and most of the time when they gun it to win a spot in an adjacent lane, they end up piszing off whoever they pulled out in front of and gain themselves a tailgater.

I find most of the time, however, I concede to the size-advantage of the irresponsible cagers around me.
lol, that must be the technical term for it.

So your saying two wrongs make it right?

Two different vehicles in this subject though. In a bike I average about 70 - 75, my friend who was pulled over in another thread I talked about said the cop wouldn't bother motorcycles going 80 but he was going at least 90.

In a cager I feel more vulnerable and so I average about 60 - 65ish.

But I do consider it rude that while you're paced with the car in front of you and all of a sudden a car pulls into your lane and goes slower I would go around them.

Not to mention when I am in the passing lane and there is nothing in front of them, I go around them and then they move over.
The whole 'stay to the right unless passing' actually is a law in Florida, they just don't enforce it...

They not only don't enforce here in WA state. I was actually pulled over 2 weeks ago for passing a undercover officer who was illegally in the passing lane while following a mini-van also in the passing lane. He admitted to doing 63 MPH in a 70 MPH zone, even though there was no one in the right two lanes. WTF???
They not only don't enforce here in WA state. I was actually pulled over 2 weeks ago for passing a undercover officer who was illegally in the passing lane while following a mini-van also in the passing lane. He admitted to doing 63 MPH in a 70 MPH zone, even though there was no one in the right two lanes. WTF???

Did you get a ticket or did he just waste your time? Also depends on weather conditions but I don't see the need for a ticket if he admit he was doing 63. Not your fault that you were following the state law by doing the posted speed limit.
They not only don't enforce here in WA state. I was actually pulled over 2 weeks ago for passing a undercover officer who was illegally in the passing lane while following a mini-van also in the passing lane. He admitted to doing 63 MPH in a 70 MPH zone, even though there was no one in the right two lanes. WTF???

Pulled over for speeding or passing on the right? Seems somewhat ridiculous that you were pulled over at all. Irritates the piss out of me when cops lounge in the passing lane under the speed limit and no one will pass them. Just makes traffic worse as there is a two mile line of cars bunched up behind them:rant:
If I"m at a light and some joker gets too close to my licence plate I usually turn around with my hand on my hip and glare at them with alot of attitude to imply "Get the F*&K off my Ass"

They usually get intimidate enough that they back off pretty quick!

Now in my jeep it's another story, why do people in small cars feel the need to squeeze as close as they can under an SUV's bumber just cause they are taller :mad: - that usually requires the left hand out the widow bird flip combo followed by driver and all passangers turning simultaniously to glare at the offending party, followed by a quick break jab as we exit the light. :D
So far there hasn't been anyone willing/able to tailgate me on my bike. I drive an 06 Impala during sledding season which keeps people off my back as they figure I might be an unmarked cop car.

They not only don't enforce here in WA state. I was actually pulled over 2 weeks ago for passing a undercover officer who was illegally in the passing lane while following a mini-van also in the passing lane. He admitted to doing 63 MPH in a 70 MPH zone, even though there was no one in the right two lanes. WTF???

What violation were you pulled over for?

If I"m at a light and some joker gets too close to my licence plate I usually turn around with my hand on my hip and glare at them with alot of attitude to imply "Get the F*&K off my Ass"

They usually get intimidate enough that they back off pretty quick!

Now in my jeep it's another story, why do people in small cars feel the need to squeeze as close as they can under an SUV's bumber just cause they are taller :mad: - that usually requires the left hand out the widow bird flip combo followed by driver and all passangers turning simultaniously to glare at the offending party, followed by a quick break jab as we exit the light. :D

When in my truck if someone is on my ass at a red light, I'll put it in reverse so my rear backup lights come on and then roll back an inch or two....just to make them nervous and re-think next time. Just don't forget to put it back into drive before the light turns green!
