Hot Temp. Motorcycle


New Member
Was very unsure on how to start this thread not even sure if anything has been posted on this before but im sure some of you have owned other kinds of sport bikes before. okay here it goes ill start with asking a question and see where it goes but has anyone noticed how hot this bikes ride and how quick the temperature rises on them? If you have noticed what have you done to change it as help drop the temp.
Its not uncommon for bikes to run around 210-220. My bike is constantly at 210 because of where I live. Its just the "body temp" of our bikes same thing as a humans body temp.
I have only ever owned ss bikes and its crazy how on a comparison level it gets hot even at night my old bikes were not like this. Did I find a solution well only time will tell but here is what i started on and well am not done still working on it but u know the fake air vents in the front? I'm putting them to work I drilled them but need to go bigger also it helps for the amount of air pooring into the airbox check pictures out its hard to see so bare with me.


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