Highway 94 claimed another fz6r.... mine.


New Member

Well, just left the 94 Cafe, and not 2 minutes down the road, I adjusted on a left corner for oncoming traffic, and in that bend was a driveway. I rolled over it, bunny hopping really.. when the bike came back, it high sided me.

Sprained: Ankle, Shoulder, Wrist.
Road Rash: Left arm, left hip, both knees.

Picked the bike up, bent the handle bars back to the position, and bent the clutch peg back down... drove the bike 55 miles back home.

Fairings are all gone. Front cluster is all gone. The headlight assembly seems okay, but the light doesnt work. A turn signal snapped off... mirrors are toast.

So? Lesson learned. Im now a part of the "riders who have crashed"... as shitty as that sounds.

Im going to take it down tomorrow to make sure its salvagable, and attempt to replace the parts. If the guys say it rides good and the engine is money, then here is what im looking for:

Full front
Full fairings
Mirros x2
Clutch shifter

Think thats about it. I'll take pictures when I can move a little more.
Damn sorry to hear about that :-\ Good news is you are still able to function even though im sure you are sore and YOUR STILL ALIVE after a high side too
Real sorry to hear about the bike, sprains, and RR...

As already mentioned, fairings are replaceable, and it'll just be a memory in a few months... Always a good thing to walk away (even better, *ride* away) from a high side...
I am pretty sure I still have my 2 stock mirrors, you are more than welcome to them. Send me a PM and we can discuss it! I would be happy to help you.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Casey (aka) Hunter77!
Was that driveway out into the street or did you go off the pavement?
Did you adjust too far out and go off the highway?

Glad to see you aren't too banged up and of course bike can be repaired.
The driveway was off the road. It was such a newbie mistake that im hating myself right now for it. Im looking at replacement cowlings, and my god. Its going to cost mor e than the bike is worth.
glad you're alright, considering...
Im so sorry, glad you are ok, and it may just be worth it to take the hit and sell the bike for parts and buy a used one for 4k rather than take a bigger hit to fix it. but if your hell bent on fixing it this guy on ebay has aftermarket fairing for wayyyyy cheaper than buying oem for $1999 here is the link Aftermarket ABS Motorcycle Fairings For FZ6R 09-10 2009-2010 6113Y items in hithotwin store on eBay!

ebay has other parts too up right now. I hope your healing goes quick and you get everything figured out with you 6r!
best wishes!
Sorry to hear about your :wreck:

If you own the bike outright (and have full coverage) you would probably be better off taking the payoff, buy the bike back from the insurance company then piecing it out. Might get enough to upgrade.
Im not really sure how the whole insurance thing goes because ive never been in an accident. I didnt call the police or anything. Im claiming ignorance on that one. Also, true but effed up story is that theyre packing up my bike on Wed. to be shipped to Italy. So I would have to file a claim, get the money and purchase a new bike before Monday. Is that possible? I have progressive full, and the bike is paid off.
Progressive is really fast on claims, a lot of times they will cut you a check on the spot.

They will total it out but most of the time you have the option of buying it back from them super cheap. If you can get it for less than the engine is worth I would do it for sure.
Sorry to hear about the accident... But, good to hear that you are not badly hurt. If u can afford to fix it yourself, then I would do that and try to save the hit in ur insurance... Just make sure that the bike is safe to ride if u do that...

Isn't Highway 94 where Jon Kerr likes to ride? Whatever u decide hope u make a speedy recovery and get the bike repaired or replaced...

Speaking of which, I was up in ACH today and almost hit a deer the size of a horse and had a heart attack myself... It's a really fast stretch where lotta guys get into triple digits- ie btwn Big T and ACH. I was practicing my lines & counter steering and doing maybe 75 on the straights, prolly 60,65 on the turns. Exited a turn and there the mother ****** was standing smack in the middle of the road. I saw it and had no choice but to swerve over the double and hope it didn't dart right into me- which deer do sometimes because they are so dumb... Luckily it bolted the other way. Damn Bambi. I was really lucky, as it could've ended very badly. x_X. Freaked me out beyond.
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when i had my accident once they checked my bike out and my gear they gave me a check for my gear 5 days after my accident and they gave a check for my bike 1 week and a half later to pay for the parts to fix it they are relatively quick but i called the night i had my accident make sure u give em a full discreption on what happend and look forward to your insurance to go up as they will find you at fault well i hope u get well quickly and get ur bike fixed soon
Glad you're (relatively) OK.

If you have insurance, you should hope it's NOT salvageable. It would suck to have it repaired and then find some hidden damage a year later, like a crack in something that gets bigger in time. I would try to get a new bike out of this, but that's just my opinion. In my experience, insurance companies paid more than you'd be able to sell it for on open market.

Awww man, that is horrible! So glad that you are okay... that's what matters the most!! I hate seeing things like this as it puts things into perspective for me (as I'm sure others as well) sometimes when I'm getting/being too cocky on my bike.

I hope you heal up quick!! Good luck with getting the bike squared away. I can't give you advice, though, because I don't know much about that sort of thing. Sorry!
