Help me win a GoPro on local contest!!!


Super Moderator


Super Moderator
Figures with people getting off work.

And the 20 different forums and other places I posted it to. :D :thumbup:

Thanks guys. 10 more days I should be able to have a 1000 vote lead. :p


New Member
lmfao..... Tony is just having a bit of trouble seeing the artistic side of these pics. here is more a black and white cup half empty type of guy lol

LMAO, im still bitter about losing to you !


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New Member
I'd be scared to enter a contest like this.

Hypothetically, what if you finish behind the dude in the bathtub with foam covering his privates ? It might affect your confidence.

and you are going up against a buff Marbalo man that's also a horse whisperer.

The mohawked guy latched on with a body and a neck choke deserves a mention too, I was going to say something funny, but its officially no comment for fear of people misinterpreting my lame jokes. Maybe its to pull the chicks, I can't recall a lady ever getting excited about me saying I do computer shit, maybe I should stop chasing these serious confident types of women, they've got no humour. Like when I was telling this woman the other day how I got a haircut and the barber didn't have his brush so he was blowing on my shoulder afterwards, she didn't get it, she actually thought that that happened and I must be weird.

Anyway, a moot point, you are ahead by a country mile.
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Super Moderator
350!!! You guys are kickin butt!!! :eek: 9 days left! Tell your friends! :D


voted and now @ 383


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Super Moderator
400 baby! :thumbup:
