Helmets with Bluetooths Built into them


New Member
I have been thinking about getting a new helmet with a bluetooth built into it so I can listen to music when riding. Any feed back on these types of helmets.


New Member
I don't but would like to throw in my two cents listening to music while riding doesnt sound terribly safe

All in how you listen. I have been using a chatterbox for the last 5 years or so and listen to music, plus my wife and I can communicate when she is on the back. I don't listen to the music very loud, just enough to break the silence. Makes my rides a lot more enjoyable.


New Member
No input on helmet types, but I too listen to music at a level just to break the road/wind noise during a ride. I find it keeps me more alert than just the standard noise rolling around inside the helmet on longer rides.


New Member
I tried the bluetooth helmet on by O'Neal...Element I believe. Anyway it didn't fit right, not enough padding, and golly did the helmet hurt to take on and off where the speakers are. I suppose there's a technique to it but... To me it wasn't worth the price. Chatterbox seems the route to go.


New Member
I own one and i dont even use it. It only has one speaker and the mp3 player has to be bluetooth or you have to use the mp3 player in your phone.

Its a cool idea but the volume didnt turn up enough for me (to many rock concerts).

I now have a stereo speaker system in my helmet that plugs into a mp3 player and i love it.


New Member
you can laugh now, but i have never even owned an ipod.

all i listen to is the radio. i have an old fashioned walkman that i keep in my inside pocket of my jacket. i just use earbuds and let the wire go down into my jacket (no slack to get caught anywhere).
i guess i should look into something a little better, easier.


New Member
i still use my ipod shuffle when i go running- since that thing is awesomely small & light. but, my iPhone(s) have essentially eliminated the need for an iPod classic...


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