Helmet Shopping

has anyone here with an HJC helmet tried to take the label stickers off and know if it's a problem or not?

i was reading on the R6 forum that for the carbon fiber helmets, HJC clearcoats -over- the sticker. so if u peel it off, you're screwed... anyone know anything about this?

i'm looking at getting an HJC IS-16 Scratch and am thinking i may want to remove the HJC labels on it as well...
has anyone here with an HJC helmet tried to take the label stickers off and know if it's a problem or not?

I took them off my old CL-15 by heating them first w/ a hair drier. They came off pretty easy.
has anyone here with an HJC helmet tried to take the label stickers off and know if it's a problem or not?

i was reading on the R6 forum that for the carbon fiber helmets, HJC clearcoats -over- the sticker. so if u peel it off, you're screwed... anyone know anything about this?

i'm looking at getting an HJC IS-16 Scratch and am thinking i may want to remove the HJC labels on it as well...

I just got an HJC IS-16 Scratch Helmet a few weeks ago and can confirm that the sticker on the top front of the helmet comes off very easy without leaving any residue behind. The stickers on either side seem to be under the clear coat and I will not be attempting to take them off.
Thanks Bison39! :) How are you liking the helmet? I really like the IS-16 Scratch's look, and the inner sun visor is an awesome feature too...

Size-wise, I'm still trying to decide between an XS and a S... Both seem to fit, but there is a noticeable difference. My head measures 21.5" (54.5cm), so I'm right smack in-between a XS and S, according to HJC's size chart.

The XS is noticeably hard to get on, but once it's on it's definitely very snug with little to minimal movement when i shake my head... It feels very secure. But, my cheeks are also very firmly pinched, and I have to slightly adjust/ align it properly so that I don't look like I have chipmunk eyes. <lol> I can speak with it on, but I have to do so carefully due to the cheeks being pushed into place making mouth movement difficult... (There is still about 1 to 1.5 index finger gab between the helmet and my chin tho.) Wearing it on my head for 10 to 15 minutes doesn't seem to yield any real discomfort, and after a while- other than my cheeks- i forget it's on. But, I definitely do feel my face "re-expand" after taking it off... No red spots on my face tho.

The size S goes on snug and with some effort also, but noticeably easier than the XS and it feels more comfortable right away. But, if I shake my head or nod up & down vigorously, it does move just a little bit- tho my skin moves with it when I watched in the mirror... My cheeks are still pushed firmly into place, but i can speak without worrying about biting my cheeks as much- tho a little bit. Wearing it for 10 to 15 minutes doesn't yield any discomfort either. And, it comes off cleanly. But, I'm worried that if it expands it will then be too big...

Hence, I'm a bit confused and have been researching proper helmet fitment on google and youtube. And, it seems that based on what i've been reading, I should probably go with the XS... But, am still trying to decide which one to keep... Decisions decisions... =\

What is everyone else's exp picking the right size?
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It is my first helmet so I don't really have anything to compare it to but it is very comfortable. There is a bit of a wind whistling noise at higher speeds but I can only assume that it is normal unless you're buying a super expensive helmet.

As for size, everyone seemed to advise getting the smallest helmet that fits your head. Keep in mind that the padding does pack out a bit after awhile. Hope that helps.
yah, the HJC's have a bit of noise... my starter helmet (HJC CL-15) also has some noise. Earplugs help with that. and, you're right- the smallest the better is what i'm hearing too. i made the mistake of getting what i thought was "comfortable" (M size) as my starter helmet. then i got on the freeway and it moves around on my head... <lol> the XS size i just got is very snug, but i think after the material relaxes it will fit just right. thanks again for the advice. :)
Why not get the new rearview helmet? :D

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a9uLsMq7mBE]YouTube - (HQ) The Motorcycle Rear-View Helmet. De achteruitkijkhelm. 1701[/ame]
i found this particular helmet-fitment video to be one of the most helpful:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rRmWBp65gbo]YouTube - The Helmet Center on proper helmet fit - TheHelmetCenter.com[/ame]
I just bought a Shoei RF1100 and was really surprised a what a huge difference better it was over my HJC CL3. True the HJC is a 3/4 helmet and the Shoei is a full face. The Shoei costs $400 and the HJC was a hundred. It's worth the difference and now my contacts don't dry out right away.

scorpions are awesome if your low on cash! Ive had 3 now and never had an issue! My friend also has one and went down, saved him a ton of possible damage to his head/face. He walked away unhurt, but the helmet was dented in 2 places and scratched all to hell... They are the real deal. New enough has them for ~ 100 on closeout, and $250 for the newer models.

My .02

I did just order a shoei RF-1100 monolith myself to try though, so ill report back once i get it
