fz6r t-rex frame sliders


New Member
Hello everyone,

Im looking for some advice and thoughts from people that have the t-rex no cut sliders. These appear to be the best sliders for the fz6r from the threads I've read, followed by shogun, intuitive etc.

One concern I have with these sliders is that they appear to mount into the crankcase screws? Is this safe - for a stationary drop I cant see this being a problem, but in the instance of a high side slide, I think this could cause some stress on places it shouldn't. This is something I may well be over thinking, so am happy for people to give me facts indicating that I am.

For anyone that has the T-rex sliders, and have had a slide, does this appear to do any damage to the crankcase?

Thanks for all your help guys. Appreciate it.
I have the T-Rex sliders. I've dropped my bike at a stop and have had my cover act as a sail and blow it over. Left and right side respectively. I have also low sided through a round-about at about 20 mph. In both cases the sliders have protected the bike better than I expected.

knock on wood i have never had to test mine but all reports and threads i have read on them including some photos they all did a great job.
