Funny videos to start your day

At like 13 minutes, the girl lighting your shorts and panties on fire is just ridonkulous.
At like 13 minutes, the girl lighting your shorts and panties on fire is just ridonkulous.

How about the camera guy filming the shorts on fire instead of the girl that just stripped them off! :confused: hahaha!
To me, Jay, that girl looked to be a little UNDERAGE :eek:

That's for the courts to decide. haha, OMG I'm kidding!!! :eek::D

Wait until your wife finds out about that comment!!!! :spank:

Oh heeeeeeeell no! :eek: :scared:

You wouldnt do that to your ol pall ol buddy would ya? You DO want me to live right?

I have the power to delete this whole thread like it never existed haha :D
[ame=]Fall on motorcycles Fails - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Boom barrier's revenge - YouTube[/ame]
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This is my best friends sister and a friend of hers doing a parody of Clevelands own breakout hip hop artist MGK feat. Esther Deans "Invincible."

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HAHAHA why dont u guys check this one out im sure some of u might like it and if u dont let me know. [ame=]Whole Foods Parking Lot - Music Video [HD] - YouTube[/ame]
