First bike shame


New Member
How's this for a Hall of Shame story:

My first bike was a 2008 Yamaha R6. :D

Okay, so that's not entirely true, I learned to ride on a '01 GSXR600 beater bike that my friend didn't ride, and upon deciding last year to get my own, I quickly realized that while still a 600, sport bikes of 2001 and sport bikes of 2008 were not even comparable. I knew how to ride, but it was such a non-user-friendly ride for commuting and stop and go traffic, as well as windy, slow back roads with potholes. That bike wanted to do nothing other than to rip around a track at 130mph.

Soooo, a year later, here I am happy with my trade in for a '09 FZ6R which suits me just fine for what I do with it.
Congrats!! Welcome to our family and our little addiction. ;)
Yep, perfect for my needs:)
When I see some of these guys at the dealerships (not all of them are young) and their looking at GSX's, R-1/6's and any other so called track bikes, is it just me or do I have visions of flashing blue lights, loss of license, and a judge with an attitude to set an example out of bikers. Not that our bike is totally out of that category, but the likelihood or having all those horses under you and not using them is just not realistic. I feel I can kick it up a little bit with the 'R" but not enough to tempt the justice league to come and get me. I do like speed but not enough to gamble with the tickets or loss of license. I had a friend who was judge ordered to get rid of the crotch rocket after his 12th ticket. After 10 years he wants another motorcycle, but says he will only look at cruisers now it is just too tempting. How do you guys feel? Would you be willing to gamble?
Welcome :D

I think lots of people here ended up with the FZ6R for similar reasons... I know I did.

And WenMark... I agree with you, it's not worth the gamble...
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I see it says you're from Rhode Island, huh? Same here. Where you from? And where'd you get your bike from?
Welcome aboard, I know I was looking at the R6's because of sheer look, but ended up with the FZ6R because I just wanted to ride and not go 130 on a track....


I see it says you're from Rhode Island, huh? Same here. Where you from? And where'd you get your bike from?

Well not FROM RI but it's home now since 2001. I'm up in north end of Providence, Branch Ave area. Got the bike from Razees in April. Let me know if ya want to go ride one day.
Ahh nice. I'm from Richmond, down in the southwest. I got mine from Razee's too, that's why I asked hah. Nice little shop they have there.
I know Richmond area, lived in Westerly from '02 until last year. Think I might hit Seafood haven this weekend for chowder and clamcakes.
My sad story:

Started riding in 1965 with a Honda 305. Graduated to a 450, then a 750. (I'm not counting 6 dirt bikes). After a bad crash in 1982, I gave up riding. Fast forward to 2008. Retired, got a WR250R "dual-sport" thinking I would ride mostly in the woods. Dang thing handled so well on the street that I ended up riding mostly paved twisties and dirt roads (got lots of them nearby). Next move was to get a pure street bike for the interstate. My idea of a bike is that it should be a 2-wheeled sports car - light, powerful, great handling and braking. Heavy touring bikes and v-twin cruisers don't do it for me. I thought a liter bike would fill my needs, and based on a number of reviews, I chose a Honda CBR1000RR. The good news - It's a BEAST. The bad news - It's a BEAST. All the reviews praised it's handling. I guess that's based on 120 to 150MPH sweepers on a track. I found that at 50-75MPH on the street it was very heavy handling (you need to "force" it into a turn), had a lot of vibration in the handlebars at cruising speed, and my neck got really sore after about 45 minutes due to the riding position (being 6' 2" didn't help). Found that I really didn't ride it much except for weekly trips to the Interstate "on ramp" for quick blasts to 140MPH. Started looking at options, road tested a FZ6R, did the trade last week. I've put more miles on the FZ in three days than I put on the CBR in the last month. As they say at Mickey D's " I'm lovin' it"
Yes, I totally went with the fizzer cuz I knew a r6 would kill all my big bike buddies warned the h*ll out of me...chose Yamaha cuz Im just not a gixxer fan, and did not feel ready to make the jump to a was just too expensive...though CBRs are CRAZY track bikes. Got a buddy who tricked out his '07 CBR600 and it'll burn a stock busa. Crazy day i'll step up to an R1 or ZX14, but for now, I LOVE my fizzer!
Terrible!!! So I totally started hitting wheelies since my sprocket change...I can get to the balance point at like 7mph and hold it for AWHILE now...I took all day practicing and playing around and got pretty good at it (this is not a clutch up but a power wheelie):cool:. After a few hours of play, I felt confident in my new riding skills and was very proud of myself, so I thought I'd go home. In front of my house a school bus was dropping off some middle schoolers, so I had to wait until the bus started going again...After the bus started rolling the bus driver waived to me along with some of the school kids. I thought to myself, why not show these kids something cool and wheelie, right? No...I decided that it was a bad idea and that I did not want to be one of THOSE guys, so I didn't. I did however, accidentally flick my wrist for a FRACTION of a second while turning into my driveway. I pulled the clutch to make sure that the flick did nothing to make me shoot forward and luckily I was saved. I happened to take my eyes off the road for even less than a fraction of my wrist flick and when I looked up, I was in the grass because I turned to hard. No big deal, I went to straighten myself out, and I ran RIGHT into a sink whole that was apparently still damp from yesterdays rain. The front wheel did a HARD left turn and the bike went down; slightly bucking me in the process. So now I crashed, in my own front yard, in front of a bunch of middle schoolers.:surrender: I did a quick tuck, landed on my left side, rolled slightly, and was standing before I realized what exactly happened. All I could say was D**N!!!! To make matters worse, the middle schoolers ran over (NO ONE laughed) and helped me up...all the while telling me that I tucked and rolled just right, had enough foresight to flip the emergency cut-off switch, and lifted my bike up for me while asking me if this was my first fall; all of them started telling me about the first time they fell off their dirt bikes and that I should not get discouraged but keep riding:noworries:...I WAS GIVEN RIDING LESSONS BY PEOPLE WHO CAN'T EVEN GET A REGULAR LISCENCE!!!! :eek: One second Im thinking of doing something stupid and the next, a bunch of pre-pubescent teens are telling me that everything will be okay...SHAME! LOL...all in all I thought this was hilarious...nothing to bring yuou back to reality like a swift kick in the face

Thanks for sharing!
My sad story:

Started riding in 1965 with a Honda 305. Graduated to a 450, then a 750. (I'm not counting 6 dirt bikes). After a bad crash in 1982, I gave up riding. Fast forward to 2008. Retired, got a WR250R "dual-sport" thinking I would ride mostly in the woods. Dang thing handled so well on the street that I ended up riding mostly paved twisties and dirt roads (got lots of them nearby). Next move was to get a pure street bike for the interstate. My idea of a bike is that it should be a 2-wheeled sports car - light, powerful, great handling and braking. Heavy touring bikes and v-twin cruisers don't do it for me. I thought a liter bike would fill my needs, and based on a number of reviews, I chose a Honda CBR1000RR. The good news - It's a BEAST. The bad news - It's a BEAST. All the reviews praised it's handling. I guess that's based on 120 to 150MPH sweepers on a track. I found that at 50-75MPH on the street it was very heavy handling (you need to "force" it into a turn), had a lot of vibration in the handlebars at cruising speed, and my neck got really sore after about 45 minutes due to the riding position (being 6' 2" didn't help). Found that I really didn't ride it much except for weekly trips to the Interstate "on ramp" for quick blasts to 140MPH. Started looking at options, road tested a FZ6R, did the trade last week. I've put more miles on the FZ in three days than I put on the CBR in the last month. As they say at Mickey D's " I'm lovin' it"

I wanted about the same thing and i went with the FZ1 couldn't be happier and i ride with friends that have the FZ6R i really like riding that bike to cause its really really flickable and really they can keep up with me anywhere on the open rodes unless im going in a straight line or maybe a track day. Would diffidently tell people to look at the yamies for a nice comfortable ride :D
Looking to upgrade

I currently have a 2002 KAW 750. Looking to upgrade. I have to say I love this bike. What do you think?


Just getting going and would love some advice. :steve:
It always happens when you're showing off lmao!

I want a 600cc SS, but honestly I want it just for track. I have days where I want to ride fast, but I know I can't because of the law. The track would be a place where I can let go a little more. For me riding is a sort of meditation where I can focus on one thing and one thing only.
It always happens when you're showing off lmao!

I want a 600cc SS, but honestly I want it just for track. I have days where I want to ride fast, but I know I can't because of the law. The track would be a place where I can let go a little more. For me riding is a sort of meditation where I can focus on one thing and one thing only.
I know what you mean. I haven't gotten good enough to go for track days but I understand your sentiments. Just as you want to focus on one thing and one thing only I was the same way when I was skydiving (did it for 20+ years with about a thousand jumps). When you skydive you don't think about other things - it demands you focus on it and it only so I know where you're coming from. BTW there was a time when a 1000 jumps was a lot, today is merely mid pack. I don't do it anymore but someday I might get back into it. David
Skydiving sounds awesome I don't think I'll ever be good enough for track just street riding. I want to take track classes.

i think it also depends on your purpose for a bike

if you are really riding a lot, like daily or commuting or long distances, the fast bikes are not practical. if it is just a rocket toy, or a weekender, track use, or a summer chic magnet, then something more unjustified works.

once you reach the practicality of choosing this bike, other options seem more reasonable so it is more of a niche
