Enter now for August BOTM!


Staff member
Enter now for August BOTM!!! Upload your picture to the August 2012 - FZ6R Forum Community Photo Gallery

Rules are:

1. No photoshopping!!!! Picture must be as taken, this is a bike competition not a photoshop competition.
2. Must be a new photo (in other words, no repeats).
3. It must be your bike to qualify, no prejudice against other makes and models. All bikes are welcome. Only one picture per member.
4. Uploading pictures will take place the first three weeks of the month, voting will be on the last week of the month, at the end of the third week the contest entries will end and voting will be enabled.
5. The winner will be announced the last day of the month.
6. One picture per member can be entered every month (unless you won the previous month). You must wait 2 months before entering after winning.

Have fun and good luck!
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A bit early for what? :confused:

:confused:Maybe he's holding off 'till last minute to post a super bad-a$$ pic? :don'tknow: That's my best guess...
I think a lot of the same people who posted their pics for July BOTM should try again! There were quite a few that I loved and wanted to vote for but obviously could only pick one. C'mon guys.... try again!
That's where comments come into play. If no one comments on the photos then how do we know it was worth a poop?
I was not aware the BOTM was up and going again so no votes from me. Maybe post a thread in a subforum about the BOTM where there is more activity to generate more voters.
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That's where comments come into play. If no one comments on the photos then how do we know it was worth a poop?

Good point. Kind of hard to know where to improve when no feedback is being given.
3. It must be your bike to qualify, no prejudice against other makes and models. All bikes are welcome. Only one picture per member.

Something tells me there will be a couple of Ninja's submitted this month for BOTM...
Mine will be ;)
