Dropping to 1st gear


New Member
Have any of you also felt that clicking into First gear is sometimes a little...notchy?

Do all bikes drop to first like that?

Its the only thing on the bike that I've found that isnt "velvety smooth".


New Member
I think most if not all have that 'k-chunnnnk' dropping from neutral to first. At least that's what I've noticed on my previous 650r as well as my MSF bikes and from what I've read from various posters.

I do know my buddies SV650SF has a much harsher drop-down then the 650r or I'm sure the FZ6r.


New Member
Yeah, most bikes have a harder change to 1st than the other gears. If it changes, then be worried.


New Member
I think it's because you're passing through neutral that causes the harshness. If you shift it down very fast from 2 to 1 then you'll see it is smoother.


New Member
mine is a heard shift regardless of how fast or slow i do it.. I think I may try adjusting something if there is anything to adjust haha...


Staff member
Try "blipping" the throttle while the clutch is still pulled in, just before shifting down into 1st gear. It may help match the engine speed with the transmission a little better. I have also found that shifting into first gear is nicer when the speed of the bike is below 15 mph.


New Member
Mine will occasionally "bounce" down from 1st into neutral - been caught out a few times when going back to the throttle. I've actually been leaving it neutral if I am downshifting and it "lands" there on my way down - then shifting into 1st once I come to a stop or near stop. Tends to be a little less thunking with the tranny.


New Member
You know guys, not to bash on the FZ6R but, from personal experience this bike has the crapiest (clunkier) shifting af all my previous bikes.


New Member
You know guys, not to bash on the FZ6R but, from personal experience this bike has the crapiest (clunkier) shifting af all my previous bikes.

going in and out of first is the only issues my bikes, and I dont even call it an issue really, all the other gears are smooth as can be..


New Member
You know guys, not to bash on the FZ6R but, from personal experience this bike has the crapiest (clunkier) shifting af all my previous bikes.

From what I have read. the clutch pushes in to change gear rather then pulling out like most other bikes.


New Member
i heard other bikers hold opinions that yamaha gearboxs are a bit naff. getting back into 1st is always a bit chunky on any bike. xj6 feels a little more so but im not going to loose sleep. i find it happens more when i hurry down to 1st from high speed. ooops :D


New Member
I agree with the clunky shifting

You know guys, not to bash on the FZ6R but, from personal experience this bike has the crapiest (clunkier) shifting af all my previous bikes.

Actually surprised that the shifting is glass smooth on this bike. Even my Harley does better! I do notice that if I rev very high it seems to smooth right out. However getting used to winding it out all the time is taking some time.


New Member
I find it really difficult to find 1st gear as well. Instead of clicking the shift pedal 5 times from 6th, I find myself clicking up to 10+ times before it finally engages. Its only got 100 miles on it, so maybe it will get a little easier.

I know thats not what this thread is about. I've only ridden 4 bikes in my life, but they all had the clunk to 1st. My ninja was the smoothest. And my buddies R6 was the roughest. The FZ6r is somewhere in the middle. It has never bothered me on other bikes, and since 1st is so hard to find on this one, I actually quite like it, cause that way I know for sure that it is in 1st.


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New Member
mine makes a good klunk going into first from neutral sometimes...i think thats normal.

i was getting a false shift sometimes on the upshift and i think i figured it out...my boot wasnt allowing the shifter to drop fully down to "reload" for the next upshift...big feet i guess...now i purposely drop my toe down to ensure a proper shift...but for a while i thought the tranny had issues.


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New Member
I had trouble getting into 1st in the beginning, an experienced rider told me to roll the bike a little (if at a stop) and then try. Dealer verified, the bike shifts more smoothly if you downshift while still rolling. BUT.. check the owner's manual, it says, don't do it unless you're going 15.5 mph (25 km/h) or slower! :eek:


New Member
MSF class told us always to downshift and "speed match" in order to have the correct power to manuveur with traffic conditions. In fact, they tested us on it for several exercises, and the coaches bitched at everyone who just broke but didn't downshift. :)


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