Driverseat without the black plastic part underneath?


New Member
Hi everyone!

I want to change the original seat of my XJ6 (european model) with the original of the FZ6R. I got lucky today and bought front- and backseat on, but shipping to europe is pain in the ***: nearly 90$ :(

I checked, because i read over the internet, that I will need the big plastic plate under the driverseat to mount the seat. On the pics I found it is not clearly visible WHY i need this plate?!

Can anyone tell me, if I REALLY need this part or if its just for "hight-adjustment" or anything like that or will the seat fit without it?

Normally, i wouldnt ask such a question and simply buy needed parts, but on it cost another 90$ to ship this plate(20$) to my place -.- and I am trying to save money ;)
I would think it has a dual purpose. One would be height adjustment, and two it MIGHT keyword might, be a heat shield for your bum. Lets see if any one else has any answers.

If anything(ie. doesn't fit right) I suggest wedging or gluing some plastic of the same thickness at the points where it would meet the seat.
You will need the plate.

The seat attaches to the plate and then the plate attaches to the bike.

I stand in at 186cm or nearly 6ft 2in in old scale, and find that the extra couple of inches that the plate provides doesn't go astray.
Thanx for such fast answers :)

1. Heatprotection: no way ;)
2. Fixing/gluing: maybe i need it
3. Sure that i need it? The seat is screwed (am i saying it right?) two times on the backend, and snaps in on the frontend. Now the important part: The four rubber pins on the underside -> where are they mounted? Do they fit exact over the left and right frame-pipes? Or is there a gap without the plate?
4. Can someone try to disassemble the plate and try the seat without it? It would be great!!!
Thanx for such fast answers :)

1. Heatprotection: no way ;)
2. Fixing/gluing: maybe i need it
3. Sure that i need it? The seat is screwed (am i saying it right?) two times on the backend, and snaps in on the frontend. Now the important part: The four rubber pins on the underside -> where are they mounted? Do they fit exact over the left and right frame-pipes? Or is there a gap without the plate?
4. Can someone try to disassemble the plate and try the seat without it? It would be great!!!

I didn't think of this, and you never know what the true intention of a component is until you take it out. There was a guy on the r6 forum who took some black plastic out of his bike cuz he forgot to put it back in. Two days later he is wondering why his nuts are frying. You do have a 200 deg engine between your legs...

I'll actually go disassemble right now and try it out. The bolt holes might not line up and when they do it might sag but I'll give it a try.

Edit: Hmm! I did it! While I agree that the plastic is not really aheat shield. Might help a little bit anyway, but!
It looks like you do need the black piece, you can wait and fit the seat without it but I found the seat, Very uncomfortable without it. It has an inch of up and down play and half an inch to 3/4'' side to side play. You might want to wait and see but its really bad... Plus without it your seat might bend with your weight and break some hardware...
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Thx alot man for this nice detailed info! Thats exact what i want to know! So the driverseat fits only loose without the plate.
Bad news ^^ I have to pay another 90$ for shipping -.-

Offtopic: What I dont get: With the "German Post Service" I have to pay 9,80€ to send a up to 10kg 60cmx60cmx30cm to ANYWHERE in the world. 90$ is nearly 63€... Six times more -.- maybe I try to email or call the shop first. There must be something wrong with that ^^
Thx alot man for this nice detailed info! Thats exact what i want to know! So the driverseat fits only loose without the plate.
Bad news ^^ I have to pay another 90$ for shipping -.-

Offtopic: What I dont get: With the "German Post Service" I have to pay 9,80€ to send a up to 10kg 60cmx60cmx30cm to ANYWHERE in the world. 90$ is nearly 63€... Six times more -.- maybe I try to email or call the shop first. There must be something wrong with that ^^

Hi mate. I agree that the US got a nicer seat combo than the UK, but unusually for dual seated bikes, I think the pillion seat cover in the UK is nice looking:-


Its £107 inc shipping on ebay so it will prob be a cheaper option for you.

Hi mate. I agree that the US got a nicer seat combo than the UK, but unusually for dual seated bikes, I think the pillion seat cover in the UK is nice looking:-


Its £107 inc shipping on ebay so it will prob be a cheaper option for you.


I already tried similar, thats my machine:

But I REALLY like the 2-seated FZ6R :) and already bought the seats on
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Soo... I tried for the seatbase yesterday and got a mail today, that the seatbase is "marked discontinued and is not availabel in any US warehouse". Hmmm... Does anyone know, how to get the seatbase? :(

Maybe I should say, that english isnt my native, it could be, that I simply spell something wrong. "Technical english" like bolt, flange, bracket, collar... isnt easy for me... it could be, that i got the wrong bikemodel or something like that :(
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Hi there, I had a look under my seat yesterday and saw that there were two struts with nuts welded to them, one on each side above the battery. This I assume is where the plate attaches to. My thoughts are that it shouldnt be difficult to put a bar straight across. It looks like M8 or M10 thread so you could even just get a 100mm (maybe longer) bar and thread it across the two struts.

This might be enough to hold the new seat firm. If not you would then have a firm cross bar to attach a home made plate to going from the bar to another point towards the back of the bike.

From the drawings I have seen the plate is only to support the seat at the correct heigh which you dont need on the UK seat because there is a thick moulding on the bottom of the seat. Another alternative of course would be to cut the moulding off the bottom of the UK seat and put that in place under the US one. All you would need to do is keep trimming it until it held the seat firm.

One of those options must work!

Hi there, I had a look under my seat yesterday and saw that there were two struts with nuts welded to them, one on each side above the battery. This I assume is where the plate attaches to. My thoughts are that it shouldnt be difficult to put a bar straight across. It looks like M8 or M10 thread so you could even just get a 100mm (maybe longer) bar and thread it across the two struts.

This might be enough to hold the new seat firm. If not you would then have a firm cross bar to attach a home made plate to going from the bar to another point towards the back of the bike.

From the drawings I have seen the plate is only to support the seat at the correct heigh which you dont need on the UK seat because there is a thick moulding on the bottom of the seat. Another alternative of course would be to cut the moulding off the bottom of the UK seat and put that in place under the US one. All you would need to do is keep trimming it until it held the seat firm.

One of those options must work!


Thx for these opinions...

I dont plan to "destroy" my original seat, but i am sure, that i am able to customize something, so that the seat will fit properly. But I have to wait, till the seats arrive.
Then, I will compare the european and the US seat and will tell you the differences with pics :)
Bonjour je suis francais...

Après pas mal de recherches sur nos sites francais je n'ai pas réussi a trouver un topic pouvant répondre a mes interrogations. Je vois que votre forum est vraiment actif et sa m'encourage a venir ici:)

Je vois que certains d'entre vous ont déjà essayé de monter une selle de FZ6R (modèle US) sur XJ6 (Modele EU)... Y a t-il quelques choses de nouveau a acheter afin que la selle puisse aller sur les XJ6?

Merci pour vos réponses.

PS: Avez vous des adresses ou je puisse acheter cette selle avec livraison jusqu'en France?

Hi everyone!

So, here is my problem, I can't find any web site, where I can buy the seat, that will ship it to France... Do you have any idea where I can find it?

As I may understand, we only need, here in europe, the two seats, and the little plastic plate? No need of anything else like a new seat lock or whatever?

Thank you for your time and excuse my english!


