Doggy was nice this time... :))


New Member
Didn't even bark.

[ame=]YouTube - Doggy was nice this time... :)))[/ame]
There was a dog on my way to work that would run out in front of me everyday. I nearly hit the stupid thing on several occassions. One time I honked and the owner just looked at me from his front yard like I did something wrong. I had vowed to stop and punt the mutt the next time it happened, but I started going a different (more enjoyable) route to work.
"Punt the Mutt!" lol. I like that one.

One of my neighbors have two rat-looking dogs that bark all day all night. I've asked them many times politely to please keep them indoors- especially when they aren't home. But, they keep leaving them outside and they yap non-stop...


I've come so close so many times to calling the humane society on them. But I stopped short each time- thinking about the consequences...

Why are dog owners SO unfreaking unbelievably selfish and inconsiderate??? My other neighbors are the same way, but they have a big German shepherd and this boxer looking thing. Both huge dogs and same deal. They bark all the time- day & night weekends & holidays. Worse is when the go out they leave the dogs outside and they bark hours on end.

It's SO hard balancing trying to maintain harmonious neighborly friendships with these ppl. They are basically asswipes when it comes to their dogs.

I've tried bark silencers, but honestly those things don't work. The dogs simply get used to them...

I wish there was some sorta invisible shock wave gun u could just point at the dogs and jolt them with painful audio waves into shutting up without it being detected by humans LOL.

(I'm actually crying on the inside)
I had vowed to stop and punt the mutt the next time it happened, but I started going a different (more enjoyable) route to work.


[ame=]YouTube - That's how I roll Jack Black[/ame]
^^^^EXACTLY!!! That's how I imagined it would go! :rof::rof::rof::rof:
LOL, for those who love to play soccer...
poor doggy... :(((

[ame=]YouTube - Banned Commercial - The World Cup 2002 - Dog Kicked[/ame]
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1. I've tried. Our local police won't respond to noise disturbances caused by "pets"- even tho it's clearly in the city ordinance. (yes I looked it up). They are just lazy.. One time they responded- but only because it was like 2am on a week day and this one dog was just wailing at volume 30 and I had to tell them I would tell the chief that dispatch ignored my complaint. Also it took them an hour to come out to squelch the mutt. They drove by my house to verify the disturbance too. But it was easy. The entire street was ringing from that mutt barking...

2. My neighbors will definitely know it was me that called the cops- cuz I've asked them politely more than once. They'd have to be stupid to think anyone else. I don't want to risk getting my car keyed or retaliation, u know? Even tho I'm in the right.... That one time I got away with it because it was another neighbor who just outta dumb luck doesn't know me...
When I was a kid I delivered newspapers door to door. I had this little dog chase me every morning when I got close to the house he lived at. One day I decided that furry little dude wasn't going to chase me off any more, so I put a brick in my paper delivery bag, I was going to clobber him if he started to chew on me. When he came out to bark and nibble on my ankles, I stopped my bike, pulled the brick out and raised it above my head, the dog wasn't as stupid as I thought he was, when he saw that brick he took off and never messed with me again after that day..... Sometimes you just have to speak a language they understand.....
1. I've tried. Our local police won't respond to noise disturbances caused by "pets"- even tho it's clearly in the city ordinance. (yes I looked it up). They are just lazy.. One time they responded- but only because it was like 2am on a week day and this one dog was just wailing at volume 30 and I had to tell them I would tell the chief that dispatch ignored my complaint. Also it took them an hour to come out to squelch the mutt. They drove by my house to verify the disturbance too. But it was easy. The entire street was ringing from that mutt barking...

2. My neighbors will definitely know it was me that called the cops- cuz I've asked them politely more than once. They'd have to be stupid to think anyone else. I don't want to risk getting my car keyed or retaliation, u know? Even tho I'm in the right.... That one time I got away with it because it was another neighbor who just outta dumb luck doesn't know me...

Get yourself a little pellet gun and plink away until the dog stops barking.
Well the guy with the big dogs has them tethered in front of his house. They can prolly reach just up to the street curb. But they bark at every thing that goes by. They do this also when they put them in their back yard.

The other family has a private outdoor patio that's too high to see the 2 mutts. But they're outside barking all the time- esp if a car or person walks by.
When my dogs get loud, I bring out the muzzles. Usually just the threat of having the muzzle put on will calm them down. Maybe your neighbor would consider that. I'm bothered by dogs barking as much as anyone else, even when they are my dogs. He may be of the same mind as I. Muzzles are cheap and non abusive.
Thanks for all the suggestions. My neighbors just simply aren't considerate ppl, and it will probably require me to get the humane society involved. Ive talked to them nicely, but they just brush it off... And, if I filed a complaint they might carry a grudge. So it's a slippery slope. These are my neighbors and I don't want to piss them off. It sucks but I cant really do anything... =(
These are my neighbors and I don't want to piss them off.
Since you have made your feeling known to them, it seems to me they don't care if they piss you off. I'm sure there are many neighbors who feel the same as you, be a hero to them and call the cops. You would be one of many who may have done the deed. They won't know for sure who to put the blame on for having the cops darken their door. There are animal control laws for a reason.
Since you have made your feeling known to them, it seems to me they don't care if they piss you off. I'm sure there are many neighbors who feel the same as you, be a hero to them and call the cops. You would be one of many who may have done the deed. They won't know for sure who to put the blame on for having the cops darken their door. There are animal control laws for a reason.

I agree! It doesn't seem that the feelings are mutual. :spank:
I know this is mean, but these people don't deserve to own dogs. Your sleep should not be disturbed. Here is the solution, warning... it is cruel.

You get some cheap hotdogs, put on disposable gloves, slit open the hot-dogs, hollow out most of the meat, put rat-poison inside the cavity, and sew them up with generic thread, just a few stitches.

In the middle of the night, when they are parking go over and feed a few of the tainted hot dogs to the barking dogs. Problem solved.

Buy the rat poison and hot dogs in the next town over and pay cash, use gloves, don't leave foot prints or tracks en route to the dogs. Do it late at night, cover of darkness, wear a ski mask if there is a light near the house.

They will think it is you, but will be unable to prove it. The police didn't help you, they won't help him.

I was waiting to see the " :D " at the end of your post...:confused: I wouldn't condone any felonious attacks on the dogs.
Yah, I would never do anything to hurt the dogs. First- it's illegal. Second, it's really the dog owners' fault, not the dogs. The dogs are just barking cuz they're being neglected.

The Humane Society will issue a warning letter to them if I request it they told me. They'll even do a house call if needed...

I know that my other neighbor is also peeved by the incessant barking- cuz they told me once when we were chit chatting... But, they are like me and just don't like stirring up bad feelings among neighbors. So they've been quietly suffering as well...

I will explore the Humane Society route- since it's less invasive. Tho a knock on the door from the cops would be the best way...

I will notify humane society when I get

You can place an anonymous call to the PD and have them go out to the house. Inquire about pressing charges for disturbing the peace.
