Day Off


New Member
So I went for a ride.


Despite the heat (only 32) it was lovely to get out and put some km's on my XJ6

There was a fire visible from Healesville. I thought my trip might have been short but it was a controlled.


All that "cloud" and flare, was from the over side of that range. Hence why I was like whaaaaaa? Oh that is the dam at Healesville.

Also. You don't have to move far out of from where I am to have you feeling like you are in the bush :p Warrandyte was surprisingly pretty. Trees, green things. It's alright it was. Eltham road was nice. At the start there was a counter indicating how many motorcycle incidents there had been. 267 thus far apparently. it wasn't scary, I.e. there weren't any off camber blind corners of anything like that, I suspect as it's close to the city and wonderfully curvy it's a go-to for noobs. (myself included it seems) :p

By the time you reach Yarra Glen you feel you are at Seymour. Shitty little town with hilly farm land as far as you could see. Still nice tho I confess. It Felt like the road between Yachandandah and Wodonga. if that means anything to you lot.

The road north of Healesville, (north of the dam) and before Narbethong feels like Jurassic park

That doesn't do it justice. This place, you are in a rainforest. Pictures galore! Tall canopies and still with burn marks from the fire sometime ago? The road was excellently surfaced and windy as they come too. it was the type of scene where you'd have expected the original Predator to have been shot in. And it was a hoot to roll around.

Marrysville has you at the foot of the snow hills? There were sky hire shots and crap everywhere. Next time I'll turn right and wide up around the mountain me thinks. But from there on in it's not quite highish country rural farming. Country and western music, single buildings acting as corner stores / motels / pubs / post office / police stations. Well not that bad :p Small towns are great tho. and this was one of them.

It's strange to have covered so many discrete environments quickly

4)Snow Hills

I must also say, once being north of Healesville I had the roads mostly to myself with the occasional nod to another bike, or local who was being polite. Incidental traffic who were polite (waving you in front once corners where clear)

I think if I was ever traveling north I'd take that route again, and cut up into Benalla. sure beats the boring batsh1t that is the hume. And it's pretty. And there was no traffic, or speed traps! There is still heaps to explore up there and the mountain will look wonderful. I'm keen to get back up there for another look around. I would have never gone over to those bum **** towns if i didn't have a bike. Thank you Yamaha :p

Oh gord I should at least have a shitty shot of the bike in here..


Bikes are good. I wish I had left earlier and I might have gotten up around Bullar. Must make an effort before the snow comes.
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New Member
I totally love that part of Vic, in particular Stephensons falls.
I did a solo ride up there on Christmas day and it was great! I had almost the whole entire road to myself and had a total blast coming back down through the Warbuton HWY.


New Member
I must get up over on that road too.

Top work on Xmas day. Good thinking :p Well. in the morning until everyone gets well on the booze :p

It really is a lovely place. And I must say, having spent time in Regional NSW, the surfaces in VIC are much nicer :p


New Member
I must get up over on that road too.

Top work on Xmas day. Good thinking :p Well. in the morning until everyone gets well on the booze :p

It really is a lovely place. And I must say, having spent time in Regional NSW, the surfaces in VIC are much nicer :p

The booze heads never crossed my mind but oh well :p

I must get back up there soon before the real winter weather kicks in!


New Member
That's the best thing about the FZ6R, you can ride all day long without requiring a visit to thai massage, I suppose you could go get a back massage anyway.

They had a free massage after the corporate triathalon one day (when I had a good job that did that kind of stuff), typical, I got the hairy turkish dude masseuse when I was lining up, not booby young thing.

Good photos.

I've ridden up in the NSW Snowies a few times, there was a steep road called Goat Track Rd near Tumut 2 Hydro-station that was good. I haven't got my invite to the Mt Buller hillclimb yet, I can always pretend I'm going twice as fast as I really am.
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