cops pull over guy for his helmet cam

this is all over the internet, i ran into on the gsx-r forums and a few other places. theres 2 videos to this. the first video is some bikers pissing around with the cop doing wheelies and slamming on the brakes making the cop slow down then speeding away. the helmet cam video is the same group 15 mins ahead when the cops caught up to the group


New Member
this is all over the internet, i ran into on the gsx-r forums and a few other places. theres 2 videos to this. the first video is some bikers pissing around with the cop doing wheelies and slamming on the brakes making the cop slow down then speeding away. the helmet cam video is the same group 15 mins ahead when the cops caught up to the group

So might makes right and the cop violated his 1st and 4th amendments and falsely arrested him to get the cam.

Any means justifies the action? Maybe he should have just shot the dude and taken the cam?

I understand why the cop wanted the cam but the need does not justify the means and this will play out in court and ultimately be very expensive for the Police.

But taken as a lesson to us all, if we are riding with anyone that becomes a squid, we should get away from him as fast as possible so as not to be associated with hooliganism. This kid actually may have contributed to the illegal behavior by having a cam mounted on his helmet and recording the tricks.


(2) makes the plate clearly legible at a distance of 50 feet from the rear.

Do you think that that plate would be legible from 50 feet away (for the sake of argument, assume the bike is upright)
Man at 50' our small plates are only readable with binoculars.
Get real he (Officer) was wrong and will pay for it and rightly should.


New Member
But taken as a lesson to us all, if we are riding with anyone that becomes a squid, we should get away from him as fast as possible so as not to be associated with hooliganism. This kid actually may have contributed to the illegal behavior by having a cam mounted on his helmet and recording the tricks.

I whole-heartedly agree. If you hang out with gang members, it's gonna be rough to prove you're not one of them. If you hang out with people who rock drugs, you're still going to jail until they can piss/blood test you to prove you weren't doing 'em. If you hang out with slave-traders, terrorists, etc...

Surround yourself with awesome, and you'll be awesome. Surround yourself with dumbass, and, well, you know the rest... ;)
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Search, THEN post.
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See red

New Member
LOL!!! so the fact remains that even on the cops video the SUSPECT was not involved..... I didn't see him stopping in front of the cop, going back the wrong way, maybe they should have gone after the guy on the white bike, wearing a black shirt picking up the crap and chick rather than the guy on a blue bike. To be honest he didn't even look like he was with them. LOL!! He was actually not speeding, he was being passed left and right! almost looked like he was confused about the blur of bikes running amuck around him. LMAO! Sucks to be him, and the cop.

He was being arrested, and detained, for being on a bike with d-bags running around him. Oh well, he looked like he needed to get off te road, he would have hurt himself anyways.


New Member
LOL!!! so the fact remains that even on the cops video the SUSPECT was not involved..... I didn't see him stopping in front of the cop, going back the wrong way, maybe they should have gone after the guy on the white bike, wearing a black shirt picking up the crap and chick rather than the guy on a blue bike. To be honest he didn't even look like he was with them. LOL!! He was actually not speeding, he was being passed left and right! almost looked like he was confused about the blur of bikes running amuck around him. LMAO! Sucks to be him, and the cop.

He was being arrested, and detained, for being on a bike with d-bags running around him. Oh well, he looked like he needed to get off te road, he would have hurt himself anyways.

To my knowledge the video your talking about is from 2011.


New Member
roaddawg see I saw that vid a bit differently. They were breaching the constitutional rights by pulling him over to seize his cmera. When he called him out and said it wasnt right he didnt commit any crime and he is being associated with the lrge group of riders. the cop stumbled with his words and said he wasulling him over to take his camera for evidence. He realised he couldnt do that without arresting him but they had no breach in laws. the cop came out to arrest him and said its because his liscense plate not bieng visible. You and I both know thats BS and the cop realised it too. When he slmmed him in the car that was 100% uncalled for when trying to arrest him. They tried tearing his hemlet cam off and it was choking the dude. That cop ws sick for what they were doing, and teling him to shut up and laughing at him. He didnt do a damn thing wrong in his whole video and got pulled over for nothing. Eff that idea.

I'm not condoning what the deputy did, in fact, I think he handled it completely wrong, but watch this video: Bikers on Freeway (Memorial Day '12) : Dallas Sheriff's Dashcam Video - YouTube

These are the kind of assholes (the bikers) that were out that day being complete dick wads to law enforcement. Complete disrespect. It's no wonder the deputies/officers were a little heated already...again, I'm not justifying taking the guy to jail for a fix-it ticket or slamming him in the car, but if you are gonna hang with a bunch of dicks, you might get treated as such.

Unfortunately, this deputy just threw more fuel in the fire for the cop-haters out there and he's probably gonna lose his job over some punk ass biker. And, the biker's probably gonna get a nice settlement check.

I think you read my post wrong there CC as I was NOT defending what the deputy did. I think the reason for the stop ("I'm taking your camera") and the arrest for a fix-it-ticket was complete BS! And, I agree 100% with what you said above. I think the deputy was a complete fool and his conduct completely wrong. I'm not sure why you thought I supported the deputy on this one. In California, The only way that the license plate violation would be an arrestable offense is if the guy refused to sign the ticket.

I was posting the OTHER video just showing what was going on that day prior to this guy getting pulled over. This one guy got caught up in the "birds of a feather, flock together".


New Member
At the time of arrest you are madated to read me my rights in Ill. but, that is here. He actually did not give probable cause but that would have been at least a stupid excuse for wanting to take the property. His refusal to give the reason for the initial pull over was not warranted, and his coming back for an arrest to take the camera was total b.s. that would be a 25 dollar fine here as well and would never hold water for the arrest.

That is not true in Ill., just like the other Officer stated you only need to read them their rights if you are questioning them about a crime, not just name and DOB. Or even if you are arresting them. I have arrested plenty of people for traffic misdemeanors and you do not have to read them their rights. I don't know who put this out there here in Ill, near Chicago, but I hear that alot! As they yell at me that I didn't read them their rights, I remind them they have the right to remain silent.


World Most Bad A$$ 6R
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New Member
There is no debate...The dude will lawyer up, and sue the PD for unlawful arrest, confiscation of private property, battery etc. The Lawyer will place a value on the video probably in the millions of dollars and the PD will have to pay him for the film and the illegal arrest and battery. The Genie is out of the bottle and no way for the PD to say they didn't copy the video.
Dud will be driving a Ducati Panigale and retired soon.


New Member
Sheriff suspends deputy who seized biker's camera | Dallas - Fort Worth

38 days suspension? and most of that for leaving a guy in jail without booking him to go on this call? What about the illegal seizure of the camera??? The illegal arrest, the illegal force (he slammed the car door on the guy)...

Let the debating continue....

It's actually gone further. The Sheriff has launched an internal affairs investigation back in June.

I don't know how long those investigations take, however, I think Westbrook is going to have a very bad year...
