
Where i live hits 40c and over, 100% humidity. I try wear gear, sometimes i seriously cant be arsed. A trick i find useful is swap a leather jacket...for a singlet, leather/textile pants for shorts. And so i dont look like a ridiculous dick head i swap race boots for shoes. Few little tricks to help you avoid going down with a heat injury
I still rock jeans, (yes, yes, I know, I've been down before) and was wearing a dickies jacket, boots, helmet, and perfed gloves (wornout). Today I just ordered my Joe Rocket UFO 2.0 and Firstgear Perfed gloves, so I'm that much closer to ATGATT. :D

Textile pants are next. My plans are that much closer to fruition... :sinister:
It was 104 here in Denver yesterday. It was awful! I have mesh gear, but nothing can make 104 feel, in ANY way, comfortable. SO, on that note, I did not ride my motorbike yesterday. :D
Well sir, I'm ATGATT. I went out on a six hour ride, in 90*F plus our ridculous SC humidity, yesterday. All my gear is mesh, except my perforated leather boots and my well ventilated helmet. I was dehydrated by my first smoke and coffee stop, a couple hours into the ride.

I chose gatorade over the coffee. By the end of the ride, the temp really had not dropped much but my body had acclimated. Yep, it was hot. But not unbearably so. When I got to work today, I took off the helmet and gloves and unzipped my jacket. Then I sat on my bike, in the sun, and had a smoke before clocking in. There was enough of a breeze that I was never really hot.

We're going to be in the triple digits, Fahrenheit here, pretty soon. I'll still be riding, and still be ATGATT. It's amazing what your body can adjust to, if you let it. And if you really want to be ATGATT, the discomfort from the heat is relatively minor compared to to all the reasons you're wearing the gear.

True enough, suh! It's been triple digits here for some time now, but as long as you keep hydrated, it's amazing how the body adapts. I'm not saying I necessarily *enjoy* riding when it's 110, but I'll do it! (Mostly because I'm a crazy bastage and I'd have to give up riding for the summer if I chose to punk out) :D
If I ride hard, I wear full gear. Very rarely do I ride in a t-shirt. If it's 100+ and I'm riding into town etc... I might ride in a t-shirt. Just depends.
In 2010, there was one day it hit 118 degrees here. I was riding in full gear, but I did put on a cooling vest under my mesh jacket (which helped quite a bit).

I always put on gear. If I deem it too hot for full gear, I'll take the car.

That's how I see it. I dress for the crash, not the weather.

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I rode my first summer in temps up to 100F in full gear (mesh, etc), got headaches post ride, just not fun. I am doing earlier rides this summer and getting off the bike by 95F, and mostly keeping my rides under 90F (noon).
