A Local Testament to Helmets


New Member
Thought I'd share. He's pretty banged up, but t-boning a truck ain't easy to survive. (I hope he was wearing more than the shorts and shirt in the picture they show) Helmets are not required in WI, I'd say I see maybe 15-20% of riders wearing them.

Link to Video:
Video Landing Page - WBAY
Helmets are mandatory here in Ontario. Whenever I go to Michigan for golf and see someone riding without one, I do a double-take going "WTF?".....

I can't imagine riding without one.
Thanks Max HP ! He's a Lucky guy. They can say what they want about wearing helmets and not wearing helmets. I never leave home without it.
I regularly see two categories of idiots:
1) Idiots on cruisers wearing the boots and jacket, but no gloves or brain bucket. Good luck with that bandanna, chief.
2) Idiots on sportbikes wearing buckets, no boots, gloves or jacket (see these guys on Woodward ALL THE TIME). Had a chat with a friend who's a surgeon, got loving details about folks of this stripe who, after annoying the gods of physics, spent months in the burn unit getting skin grafts after their jigsawed skeletons were bolted back together.
Glad the guy is still alive. T-boning a car head on is basically a death sentence above 40mph when you are thrown off. From his helmets damage, it looked like he face planted into the ground when he was thrown off the bike from the crash and rolled. Never leave home with a helmet, even if you are on a scooter just riding in the city. One fall, and your brain is all over the ground with no helmet.
Had a chat with a friend who's a surgeon, got loving details about folks of this stripe who, after annoying the gods of physics, spent months in the burn unit getting skin grafts after their jigsawed skeletons were bolted back together.

My wife works at a Hospital too, so I consistantly get reminded about the consequences of no gear in motorcycle accidents. Like she says, skin and bones can heal (not that that's a reason to not worry about them), but you only get one shot with your brain, it doesn't heal.
I regularly see two categories of idiots:
1) Idiots on cruisers wearing the boots and jacket, but no gloves or brain bucket. Good luck with that bandanna, chief.
2) Idiots on sportbikes wearing buckets, no boots, gloves or jacket (see these guys on Woodward ALL THE TIME).

You forgot the third category.

3) Idiots who ride way too fast for road conditions, tail-gate, stunt on occupied roads, and engage in other dangerous riding that makes their chance of hurting themselves or others much higher than it should be. It doesn't matter if these idiots ride ATGATT or naked, they are still idiots.
Woah. Thats scary. It had nothing to do with age? The truck pulled out in front of him? Even that he's alive its scary that this could happen to anyone even if your taking every measure of safety you can think of.

For those not wearing full face lids, one of my friends said last week he & his friend were riding Lower Big Tajunga canyon and came up on a Harley rider lying bloodied and unconscious in the middle of the road. Bike was totally f'd up as well..

He said where he was lying (ie just around a blind turn) they almost ran him over, but managed to pull over to help, as they were the first on scene.

The guy was bleeding profusely from his head. He was only wearing those half a lid type helmets. It took 3 ppl to lift his 500lb bike and they had to go to lower elevations to get a cell signal to call 911.

They think he's gonna be ok. So the moral of the story is that half a lid is not a lid!
