***2012 Fz6r FORUM Custom T'Shirts, NOW AVAILABLE***

Sorry to hear that, well try to beg borrow or steal your way to $25 so you dont miss out! :D:D
24 hours left on the sale
Tonight is the last night to get your orders in, if you have not submitted your order yet, its almost too late!
Ill be submitting the order today, so ill just add your shirt to the final count... Just made it ;)
Hopefully they will be ready for shipmen this week. Crossing my fingers!
Hopefully they will be ready for shipmen this week. Crossing my fingers!

So to make an exceptionally long sad story shorter this breakup with the ex after 5 years has been a lot harder than I thought it ever would be on SomeGuy's wallet- moving just always seems to cost more than you expect it to, especially leaving a lot of things behind plus paying double utilities, deposits and stuff. I'm sure a few of you out there have been there before...:rolleyes:

There were several times over these last few weeks I seriously considered selling my FZ6R just to pay off the loan but when it was said and done I still have it and riding it today after two weeks of solid working and moving was no doubt the happiest I have been since this whole mess started in September. :D

I just now got together what I would call an "extra" $30 dollars cash I could use towards one of these shirts and shipping but I know the order already went out two weeks ago. Anyhow if you have ANY extras in an XL side of any color besides maybe yellow I would buy one and pay for shipping even though my design was the chosen for the print.

MAXdRPM, I am sorry for requesting two and then not coming through with the cash on PayPal, if you have two for me I will try to scrounge another $10 cash together to pay you the $40-$50 for both of them. I don't care which side is larger front or back I just want to see my FZ6R logo on a shirt and strut it!
I will try my best. As far as I know she already ordered the shirts, so I'm not sure if she can order just one or two more. But I'll keep a look out!
Just talked to her about an hour ago. I was told she would try her best to have them done by Thursday, in that case I'll make it my first priority to have them shipped by the weekend.

Im really sorry guys, I feel so bad it's taking longer than expected. I am crossing my fingers I can get them by the weekend.
Just talked to her about an hour ago. I was told she would try her best to have them done by Thursday, in that case I'll make it my first priority to have them shipped by the weekend.

Im really sorry guys, I feel so bad it's taking longer than expected. I am crossing my fingers I can get them by the weekend.

Did she say anything about adding a couple for me at the last minute?? :confused:
Please update me again with your sizes
I'll try to add since its been so long.
I was told they would be done thur/Friday but with Sandy this weekend I have not been able to call her

Please update me again with your sizes
I'll try to add since its been so long.
I was told they would be done thur/Friday but with Sandy this weekend I have not been able to call her

I'd like two XL shirts in charcoal. I'll cover the cost of the shipping and the first shirt per our original plan if still possible.

I can make a deposit into your PayPal account today if you give me the green light that she can still squeeze me in on this order. :wreck:
