2 near wrecks in 30 seconds...


New Member
*Begin Rant*

I swear people in this city can't drive... Here's the story:

So I'm on my way home today doing about 50 down a road when I notice this lifted Titan pull out from a KFC and sit in the middle turn lane for a few seconds about a 1/4 mile ahead of me. I'm in the inner left hand lane but I'm thinking that he's just going to pull out into my lane since he's got plenty of time before I get to him. Plus there was someone to my right, so merging wasn't really an option at that point. As I'm getting closer he still hasn't moved so I figure that he's gonna be there awhile, or at least until I pass him. Lo and behold he decides to floor it and jump out in my lane as I get to about 15 feet from him. I immediately freak out, realize I'm either going to rear end him or go down and prepare for the inevitable. I jump on the brakes (involuntary reaction) and I feel the back wheel lock up, skid and slip from up under me. SOMEHOW I managed to stay upright and slow down enough so that I don't hit him as he starts to drive away. I blared the horn at him (as did the guy next to me) but he just floored it and took off.

Not even ten seconds later I merge onto I-295 and and I'm cruising at 60. I'm following a taxi van and giving him enough space. I see him start to get on his brakes so I start to get on mine. Next thing I know he slams on them can comes to a complete stop. I have no choice but to do the same and the same situation as before happens again. Luckily I manage to stay upright again but I end up 2 feet from the guy's bumper. Apparently two cars in front of us a truck lost a bush off of the back and everyone was trying to avoid it. We get off on the same exit and he starts cussing me out at the light complaining that I almost rear ended him. I couldn't believe it. I just shook my head and rode off.

Was I in the wrong in either situation? I didn't think I was... I dunno man. People in this city can't drive for anything...

*End Rant*
Not saying you did anything wrong,but to be safe you have to anticipate that the idiots will do this shit and leave yourself a cushion. Be safe out there Token. Have a better weekend!
Smith Driving says to always leave yourself an out. You say you gave the taxi enough space, but if you came that close to rear ending him, IMHO you didn't.

That's a good point. Honestly I was so flustered from the first issue that my focus probably wasn't all the way there. I might have had an out but I didn't notice it due to tunnel vision or something.
Glad you had the skills to survive the near misses and the interpersonal skills for the second one.

Good on you.
I had a similar situation a couple days ago. Someone braked really hard in front of me on the freeway and I put my brakes on pretty hard apparently because my rear tire locked up and started to fishtail a bit. All I could think of was "oh crap, I remember in the motorcycle safety course they said if this happens you should brake to a complete stop". haha Somehow I kept the bike upright as well. I think my bike shut the engine off during the skid, I wonder if Yamaha put that in as a safety measure? It was pretty freaky!

Glad you're ok!
*Begin Rant*

I swear people in this city can't drive... Here's the story:

So I'm on my way home today doing about 50 down a road when I notice this lifted Titan pull out from a KFC and sit in the middle turn lane for a few seconds about a 1/4 mile ahead of me. I'm in the inner left hand lane but I'm thinking that he's just going to pull out into my lane since he's got plenty of time before I get to him. Plus there was someone to my right, so merging wasn't really an option at that point. As I'm getting closer he still hasn't moved so I figure that he's gonna be there awhile, or at least until I pass him. Lo and behold he decides to floor it and jump out in my lane as I get to about 15 feet from him. I immediately freak out, realize I'm either going to rear end him or go down and prepare for the inevitable. I jump on the brakes (involuntary reaction) and I feel the back wheel lock up, skid and slip from up under me. SOMEHOW I managed to stay upright and slow down enough so that I don't hit him as he starts to drive away. I blared the horn at him (as did the guy next to me) but he just floored it and took off.

Not even ten seconds later I merge onto I-295 and and I'm cruising at 60. I'm following a taxi van and giving him enough space. I see him start to get on his brakes so I start to get on mine. Next thing I know he slams on them can comes to a complete stop. I have no choice but to do the same and the same situation as before happens again. Luckily I manage to stay upright again but I end up 2 feet from the guy's bumper. Apparently two cars in front of us a truck lost a bush off of the back and everyone was trying to avoid it. We get off on the same exit and he starts cussing me out at the light complaining that I almost rear ended him. I couldn't believe it. I just shook my head and rode off.

Was I in the wrong in either situation? I didn't think I was... I dunno man. People in this city can't drive for anything...

*End Rant*

i live in a pretty big city so emergency stops happen pretty often..
i used to have a hard time not locking up the rear wheel.
I went to a parking lot and practiced until i could force myself to use more front and less rear.

Not only will you stop faster but you'll be safer.
Hey if you're locking up the rear pretty easily you may need to adjust your rear brake pedal. I was locking up my rear easily at low speeds until I dropped the pedal a bit. I can still apply the full rear brake but since my foot has to travel further to do so it's a gradual application versus a jerky one as before. I believe there are a few threads on here with pictures on how to do so.

BONUS: It will probably make your footing more comfortable since you'll be able to "cover" the rear brake with your foot instead of sliding it back and forth to avoid accidental application (although that could have been something specific to my size 13 feet).

... I'm following a taxi van and giving him enough space. ...
This. It prevented you to see far ahead and to react in time to whatever happened in front of that van. If I can't see through the window of the car in front of me it makes me uncomfortable and I try to move to another line or pass the view blocking obstacle.
I think my bike shut the engine off during the skid, I wonder if Yamaha put that in as a safety measure? It was pretty freaky!

Glad you're ok!

If you don't grab the clutch when you lock up the rear the engine stalls because the rear tire is no longer spinning, but as soon as you release the rear brake the bike starts right back up just like push starting does
