18 Gauge Wire


New Member
So I've searched the internet and the forums, and haven't found a "safe" definite answer. Today I bought 18 gauge wire to set up my distribution circuit that I'll eventually add my LEDs, USB ports, etc to.

I wanted to go with 12-14 gauge wire, but Radioshack only had 18 gauge wire at my store. My question is, will 18 gauge wire still be plenty fine, or am I pushing it dangerously?

I want a double USB port, an LED underbody kit, the retro fit projector, and eventually a radar detector maybe for shits and giggles. I may also switch out all stock lights with LEDs to gain a little more available power, but we'll leave that out of the calculations for now.

Thanks for any help!
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You are using a fuse, right?

The usual guidelines are:

18 ga 5 A
14 ga 10 A
12 ga 20 A
10 ga 30 A
Is there some diagram or how-to for wiring up a relay circuit? So that a wire can just go from the ground and positive to this and then other items can plug into that instead of the battery for +/-? I need something like this because I am getting crowded on the battery. I see a manufactured one on twisted throttle, but I would prefer a personal built one for cost factor. :)

This is sort've what I've been going off of: .: Distribution Block / Powered Relay | Canyon Chasers Motorcycle Sport Touring :.

If the images don't show up, click on their Techniques link at the top, then go to workshop, and click on Distribution Block / Relay. That'll make the images work.

I'm using slightly different materials, like 12 gauge wire instead of 18 gauge. I just returned the 18 gauge. I'm about to go mess around with this setup.
Alright I went and got 12 gauge everything :) going to try this all tomorrow night. Thanks for the advice everyone, doesnt hurt to be safer.

@Dart: Would you be able to throw together a diagram for me? Ill trust you more than the website I posted up above. Just to ensure I hook things up correctly. I have a good understanding of the diagrams.

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Where does the distribution block / circuit block go on there?

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You're awesome, Ill post my experience tomorrow!

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