New member from the UK


New Member
Hello All,

My name is mark and I am from the United Kingdom. I own a XJ6 diversion S in Blue.

I have had my unlimited licence for just over 12 months and this is my first "big" bike.

So far I am loving the machined and have no plans to upgrade at this point. Even having ridden some of my friends bikes with significantly more power.

Being 6'6" tall this was one of the only 600cc non adventure type bikes I could comfortably fit on.

I work as a Program Manger for a large engineering company and when not working riding my bike is my favorite pass time.

Look forward to talking to some of you guys and getting some inspiration for some potential modifications.
Being 6'6" tall this was one of the only 600cc non adventure type bikes I could comfortably fit on.

I work as a Program Manger for a large engineering company and when not working riding my bike is my favorite pass time.

Look forward to talking to some of you guys and getting some inspiration for some potential modifications.


6'6"? I am surprised that you fit comfortably on the FZ6R.

I personally, am very glad to have a new active member here - we'll all definitely benefit from any additional participation. I look forward to seeing pictures of your bike!
Welcome Mark! I lived in Scotland for a few years . Would have loved riding over there.

Scotland is a beautiful place. I need to get a trailer to transport my bike up there as it would be a real drag to ride the little sports bike up there - About 10 hours ride.....I would never walk the same again...

6'6"? I am surprised that you fit comfortably on the FZ6R.

I personally, am very glad to have a new active member here - we'll all definitely benefit from any additional participation. I look forward to seeing pictures of your bike!

Compared to other 600 class bikes it is pretty roomy. I learned on a Suzuki Gladius...that was a real squash.

In the UK on a provisional license you can only ride up to 125cc; that was interesting when I got to a hill...I weigh a good 19 stone..
