Questions about chain maintenance


Hi, I have a couple of questions about maintaining my chain. I commute on my bike, so it's not unusual to have to ride multiple days in rain, sometimes with a few nice days in between. Should I cleaning/lube the chain in between or can I go longer? I usually do it every 500 miles or so. Second, after cleaning the chain I usually rinse it with the hose and dry it with compressed air. But I've noticed a small amount of rust starting to form on it, so maybe rinsing with water might not be the best idea, obviously riding in the rain and not lubing often enough could also be the problem. Do you think just wiping it dry with a rag would be better? And last, which do you think is better a chain wax or lube? I'm back and forth on this. Sorry for all the questions, but I really appreciate any advice you can give me.
Compressed air is not a good idea. It can force dirt/water past the o-ring seals on the chain.

My method is to jack the bike with an auto floor jack on the right side (brake pedal side) with the side stand down on a 2x4. I get the rear tire about 1 inch off the ground so I can spin the wheel and chain. I spray WD-40 on the chain until it starts dripping off, then wipe the chain with a paper towel. You will be amazed at how much black dirt comes off after only 200 miles. The chain is now clean and rustproofed.

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I've heard WD-40 is an excellent cleaner, but some people have said its not good for your chain if used long term. Don't know how true that is. I've been using Kerosene which also works well. Do you think it would be ok to just give the chain a quick wipe with kerosene and a rag and just relubing after riding in the rain? Looks like I should be doing this after EVERY wet ride.
WD-40 is fine as a cleaner but the chain also needs to be lubed. A dry chain can cause problems and is more prone to rust. Hence why you need a lube. WD-40 would work as a lube but once water hits it, it's good as gone because it's a water displacement oil. I don't think kerosene would cause a problem since its recommended for bikes with o-rings.
The prime ingredient in WD40 is Kerosene, use this to clean and degrease.
Thats why it works.
Patent chain cleaners are usually kerosene too.
Wash off, dry they apply chain lube.
