Glad I pay attention...

Glad you're okay.

Shit like that happen way way way too often. Thats why I ride within the range of 9k rpms to do whatever I can...even tho the drivers dont pay attention.

I personally feel like our bikes exhaust is comparable to a prius while idling. LOL.
See that crap all the time, it's bad. Only way is to ride defensively and attentively all the time no matter what! It feels like when riding a motorcycle, all the cars on the road have suddenly dropped many IQ points.
You can't really blame her. If she hadn't passed the TWO vehicles in front of her and settled right back into the same lane at the same speed, there's no telling what could have happened--hundreds of thousands of people could have suffered.
Two more times today. One at speed on the highway. I was right next to her door when she started coming over. Luckily, she only came 1/2 into my lane. So coming home from work, I decided I would take the leisurely route through town ...where a woman in an Outback wagon decided to cut across two lanes so she could get a sweet parking spot. That one was closer than the video. I do believe I'll take the Jetta tomorrow.
If you ride in the right third of your lane when on the leftmost lane, cars will see you better. You'll have to be aggressive about moving, though, don't stay in anybody's blind spot for long. Not saying go fast, but vary where you are in relation to the cars next to you.

And one thing I have found to help against people turning in front of me: headlight modulator. Plus cover your front brake AT ALL TIMES...
I typically ride in the center (#2 spot from the MSF) of the left lane (assuming two lanes in one direction). For some reason this week has been atypical.
Not defending her, but same thing happened to me a while back and I tried analyzing what I did wrong and how to prevent it from happening again.

I realized that our bikes get completely hidden by the B-pillar of cars so it's possible she checked her blind spot and mirrors and actually didn't see you because you were covered up by the pillar.
That was similar to yesterday, when I'm following a bus that's slowing for the red light ahead, then a chick comes screaming past in the turning lane, then attempts to snap lane change in between me and the bus. I instinctively yelled "F U" so she took a photo of me at the lights without realising she was the aggressive driver when the lights are red 100 m ahead anyway. Some people obviously don't look more than 20 m ahead at best.

You have to assume every car is about to do a snap lane change.


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Yeah, in the lane I was in, I never ride in the right third. When you're RIGHT next to them, it would leave you no time to react.

On a related subject to the head check, the habit (need?) that I developed from riding the bike has carried to my car/SUV as well. I find myself head checking all the time.
