running over bikes like bowling pins

He might be liable for some malicious wounding or something else a little higher than that(technical term escapes me at the moment), but they'll most likely say he was under duress, so it won't be the same as if he had purposefully done it.

I really hate seeing stuff like this. It only takes one person acting out in a group for things to escalate wildly. Metaphoric shot heard 'round the world?

People alone or small groups are generally fairly intelligent. The bigger the group gets, the less intelligent they become.

The guy in the cage was presumably trying to protect his family. I can understand and respect that.

The guys on the bikes saw some of their boys getting jacked up by this guy in the cage, get mad, react. This I can understand, even if I don't necessarily respect it.

Terrible situation, and terrible judgments the whole way around it seems.
I'm sure it will be investigated, but he was using deadly force in presumption of fear of death or great bodily harm, which is legal. What would they charge him with?

he should be charged for at least fleeing the scene of an accident but being charged doesn't mean you are guilty. That's why we have the whole trial for the judge to make the "right" decision.

As matter of fact, I watched at sports center the other day, a karate teacher kidnapped his 10 year old student, raped him for several days but got arrested. When they are transporting the teacher at the airport the kids father shot him in the head, point blank, in front of all the cameras. He did his own justice, the one that he felt was the right one, got arrested, took like a man. Got convicted of murder but due to the circumstances they only gave him hours of community service. (if you wanna see, search on youtube for Father of Kidnapped Son gets Revenge, it's not graphic at all but I will not post here because some people may feel disturbed)
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[ame=]FILE0011 - YouTube[/ame]

Another vid from the guy with the helmet cam from that day. Yeah, they're some real respectable riders right there. Not looking for trouble at all. One guy punching on that Prius (I kind of want to sometimes, lol), lane splitting, screwing up traffic.

Yeah, they weren't out looking to beat someones ***. Sure.

As for the guy that is paralyzed. Choose your friends wisely. Don't run with a bunch of apes looking for trouble. In other words "don't start none, won't be none"
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Meises, a biker who was injured when Lien sped away, may never walk again

Meises stopped because he saw the bike get hit, from Cruz...he was stopping to make sure Cruz was ok, then was ran over.. now he is paralyzed, may never walk again... and is in a medically induced coma... the guy in the range rover is ok... save for pride, some cuts and bruising (all of which will heal), and the "fear" of motorcycles he will have to deal with.

should ne not, justified or not for his actions... be held accountable for what happened to meises, a person how has not been named as an attacker, merely a person in the crowd?

He was at the wrong place at the wrong time, with the wrong people.

You should become a defense lawyer though. Nice subjectivity you put into your arguments.
he should be charged for at least fleeing the scene of an accident but being charged doesn't mean you are guilty. That's why we have the whole trial for the judge to make the "right" decision.

Yeah, but he was fleeing to save his life (presumably). I'm not saying he's totally innocent, but how can you really expect him to only hit the people who are endangering his life. Isn’t the entire group considered a threat? At the same time, I get it, you can't set off a nuke and blow the whole neighborhood up because someone is breaking into your house.
FILE0011 - YouTube

Another vid from the guy with the helmet cam from that day. Yeah, they're some real respectable riders right there. Not looking for trouble at all. One guy punching on that Prius (I kind of want to sometimes, lol), lane splitting, screwing up traffic.

Yeah, they weren't out looking to beat someones ***. Sure.

As for the guy that is paralyzed. Choose your friends wisely. Don't run with a bunch of apes looking for trouble. In other words "don't start none, won't be none"

Doesn't look like the same day because is a different bike but, riding on the wrong way, splitting traffic, riding on the side walk, running the red light.

They should be ALL arrested.
at some point we can talk about this all day and never really agree...

how about we give it a few days and let the real news unfold, more evidence be released, then we can discuss it more?

great idea. by the way dart. what kind of oil you use on your bike? ;)
Yeah, I think the big question for most is, what led up to this? I haven't heard with any certainty other than where the video starts.
I tell you what... the last few pages have been what should have been happening the whole time... more discussion like this please.. and less finger wagging and blame gaming..

sorry i called you assholes... i are mad... i am really distraught about the whole thing... and watching the vitriol and venom and hate POUR out against the motorcycle community on this makes me sick to my stomach.

to be clear.. i want the bikers to pay.... but i also want accountability for Lien as well.

who cares if Meisis was driving without a license... who cares if he was there... he was ran over and paralyzed... the circumstances don't change the fact...

But lets let it chill then.

i really am trying not to give up on the world... but things like this make it hard for me to stay put... i have to fight to go off the grid because the world is full of such violence and hate.

everyone saying that " all bikers should be killed" or " good... run over them more... everyone you see" and the few on my channel who said things like "go crash your bike at 200mph and do us all a favor (jokes on him... im on a 6R)"

overwhelmingly the comments are like this... in fact... most of them are like this... and that makes them JUST as bad as the "asshole bikers" that they hate.
My wife saw this on our local news and was horrified.. she might take away my keys...
Because the bikers left the cager ABSOLUTELY NO OTHER OPTION but to run and exacerbate the situation eventually involving multiple individuals and injuries... and PROVED it when they finally caught up with him, and put him in the hospital.

If the driver had another option, such as putting a round into the bike of the first jackass breaking into his car, with his family in it (which constitutes assault, and would have justified a deadly force response), IMHO it would have ended with that...

Investigation is underway... IF it began with what the video shows, the fools on the bikes were doing their typical "let's take over the highway" bullshit, and brake-checking the SUV, which instigated (and caused) the first side-swipe. After that, anything that went down is on THEIR shoulders...
I tell you what... the last few pages have been what should have been happening the whole time... more discussion like this please.. and less finger wagging and blame gaming..

sorry i called you assholes... i are mad... i am really distraught about the whole thing... and watching the vitriol and venom and hate POUR out against the motorcycle community on this makes me sick to my stomach.

to be clear.. i want the bikers to pay.... but i also want accountability for Lien as well.

who cares if Meisis was driving without a license... who cares if he was there... he was ran over and paralyzed... the circumstances don't change the fact...

But lets let it chill then.

i really am trying not to give up on the world... but things like this make it hard for me to stay put... i have to fight to go off the grid because the world is full of such violence and hate.

everyone saying that " all bikers should be killed" or " good... run over them more... everyone you see" and the few on my channel who said things like "go crash your bike at 200mph and do us all a favor (jokes on him... im on a 6R)"

overwhelmingly the comments are like this... in fact... most of them are like this... and that makes them JUST as bad as the "asshole bikers" that they hate.
This human garbage on the bikes and ATVs for the Hollywood block party are NOT the motorcycle community.
Definitely agree that from the video footage it appears that the bikers instigated this and the driver was reacting defensively. I'll withhold judgement until the police investigation is fully completed. But, on a personal level I feel that those bikers are scumbags and perpetuate a negative public stereotype of all bikers. Most of us are law-abiding, respectful citizens that just enjoy outdoor motorsports. And, these asswipes are ruining it for everyone.

That said, however, this is a very chilling reminder to everyone just how important it is to "always be aware of your surroundings on the road" and to not just cruise and "zone out."

Had the driver been alert & checking his mirrors, as he should've been, he would've seen this swarm of hooligans approaching from the rear and could've preemptively exited the road or pulled to the right lane to let those a-holes pass.

Am NOT saying or implying that he was required to so by any means... But, just applying some street smarts means it would've been "self-preservation & conflict avoidance common sense 101" to get the hell outta the way.

From the video, it appears the driver is just cruising along and quite oblivious to what's going on -until- danger is suddenly upon him. The helmet cam shows he would've had ample amount of time to move over to the rightmost lane- HAD he been alert.

But, because he was not alert and vigilant it's simply too late. And, the bikers surrounded & harassed -only him-, because he was the only guy in the center lane and seemingly annoying them by getting in the way. Notice that the other cars & vans that had all moved to the right lane were all left alone.

It's important to be mindful and aware of ur surroundings on the road at all times and that gives u the split second acuity to avoid unnecessary trouble- be it getting off the road b4 getting stuck in traffic congestion ahead or be it getting swarmed by a pack of criminal biker gangs.
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i am really distraught about the whole thing... and watching the vitriol and venom and hate POUR out against the motorcycle community on this makes me sick to my stomach.

I have to say that for some reason this incident has really affected me too, it just makes me loose faith in our society.
This human garbage on the bikes and ATVs for the Hollywood block party are NOT the motorcycle community.
tell that to the thousands of people wishing all motorcyclists harm... there is no distinction in their eyes.. because of the way the media portrays bikes... to them... one asshole on a bike is all assholes who are on bikes.
tell that to the thousands of people wishing all motorcyclists harm... there is no distinction in their eyes.. because of the way the media portrays bikes... to them... one asshole on a bike is all assholes who are on bikes.
Of course there is a media's slanted view, it sells better and might serve the higher purpose:rolleyes:
But these hudlums just reinforced the image the media pushes down: "Speed-demons" is a new (at least to me) term that was used by one of the outlets.

All I have to say is wow. I would have done anything and everything to protect my family in that situation as well. This could have been avoided in so many ways but.. I have to say the majority of the blame should be put on the bikers. So he may have swiped or accidentally hit a biker. Ok so follow him and get his tags and report it to the police if you were smart and not thugs. Lets decide to follow him, stop him by force and damage his property/threaten/harm him. Obviously this is mainly just a group of thugs who believe they are above everyone else. They put that driver in a situation where he feared his life and his family was in danger. Pretty cut and dry even if he may have been at fault for something before hand. Thugs being thugs giving other riders a bad rap. :disapprove:
