

New Member
Hi everyone, my FZ6R is still relatively new, I have just over 2500 miles on it. I noticed a few days ago that my speedometer and flow of traffic weren't quite matching up, so I found my self an electronic speed sign and twice it read different than my bike, today I paced against a vehicle I know is correct and yes my speedometer is 5 miles off, is this a common problem? Is it fixable? I really hate doing math while simply trying to enjoy the ride.
i ride on base and there's an electronic meter for 25, my bike is always at 27 when the sign registers at 25 daily. So i know i'm 2 miles off, no biggie. Just stay with the flow of traffic and you should be fine.
It is a known problem. You can fix it by changing your sprockets. I'm going 17/46 here shortly and that's supposed to bring it right in line with the proper speeds.

I was noticing this as well - but it was more a flow of traffic thing. I've been commuting the same road for 5 years and the other day was doing 70 in the right hand lane. Problem is the right hand lane on this road NEVER does more than 65. And I mean NEVER.

What is the problem? I had a BMW car that was 10% off - if the car speedo said 77mph, I was going 70 and if the speedo said 44, I was really doing 40.
The speedometer is about 7% overly optimistic.

Adding +1 to your front sprocket pretty much fixes this.

Well, that would explain it. Crap - that drove me crazy in my bimmer - constantly doing math to make sure I was within the margin of error. Really sucked. 65 on the bike felt like 60.
Yup, mine is about 5 off too, all my bikes have been off. I just subtract 5 in my head and not a problem, except when I get in other cars and forget I can't subtract and find myself speeding.
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Shame there is no way to electronically calibrate the speedo. Had to do that on my Jeep when I put 35's on it. Programmer took care of that.
Thanks everyone for your advice, I clicked on the links that were posted and saved the sites so I can go back and compare. I appreciate all the replies.:thumbup:
The only problem is when you fix the speedometer, you will end up with an odometer that is off about 7%. You will indicate less miles that you are traveling.
They read off a common sensor. My odometer was correct and the speedometer was off. When I corrected the speedometer by reducing it 7% it reduced the odometer by the same amount. Either one or the other can be correct. I figure I can live with an odometer that shows less miles than I've gone.

I was starting to wonder... I have never seen traffic move as fast as my bike was reading. Well I guess that it is good to know. I am not too worried about correcting it.
