2006 r6


New Member
I went to my local motorcycle dealer yesterday and found a black 2006 r6 with 1300 miles on her. Price tag 6500. Had my 2010 fz checked out and they told me they would give me 3100. Said because I have 13000 miles and the "front end is twisted" that's what they'll give me. Payoff is 4800. I asked the salesman if he thought I could keep my monthly payments around the same and he said he'd call me Monday with some numbers! I don't have the 1700 to put down so I guess they'll just add that onto the r6? I need this guy to call me with good news. I love my fz but the time has come.


Super Moderator
Way too much for an 06. Sold my 09 for $6700 last year. How is your front end twisted?
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New Member
My fiancé dropped it once in a parking lot not even moving. That's the only thing I could think of. I didn't really believe the guy. He was like u and I would never notice it but our mechanics really pick these things apart.


Super Moderator
My fiancé dropped it once in a parking lot not even moving. That's the only thing I could think of. I didn't really believe the guy. He was like u and I would never notice it but our mechanics really pick these things apart.

He is scamming you and totally ripping you on trade in. Please stay away from that place. Sell it yourself and buy something then. Somewhere else. That's the worst deal I have seen in a long time.


New Member
I just like that there's barley any miles and its condition.It does seem a little pricey but I can afford payments. I can't buy outright and all newer r6' are 8999 and up


Super Moderator
I just like that there's barley any miles and its condition.It does seem a little pricey but I can afford payments. I can't buy outright and all newer r6' are 8999 and up

They are going to tack on the negative of your loan onto that bike. So you will be paying $8200 for that R6. That is a horrible idea. Please dont do that to yourself. You have a bike right now. Deals come and go everyday. No reason to throw yourself under a bus like that. You are not upside down on the fz. You can sell that for what you owe or a hair more. Patience my friend.
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New Member
They are going to tack on the negative of your loan onto that bike. So you will be paying $8200 for that R6. That is a horrible idea. Please dont do that to yourself. You have a bike right now. Deals come and go everyday. No reason to throw yourself under a bus like that. You are not upside down on the fz. You can sell that for what you owe or a hair more. Patience my friend.

Thanks for looking out man. They have my bike right now to hold the r6. When he calls me tomorrow I will not take the deal he offered on my bike. We will see if he changes his mind. If he's still stuck on giving me a crappy price for my fz ill get my bike and go. I really suck with patience. I give in to easily. Hopefully I don't!


Cynical Member
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New Member
They are going to tack on the negative of your loan onto that bike. So you will be paying $8200 for that R6. That is a horrible idea. Please dont do that to yourself. You have a bike right now. Deals come and go everyday. No reason to throw yourself under a bus like that. You are not upside down on the fz. You can sell that for what you owe or a hair more. Patience my friend.

Also my fiancé just said to tell you she agrees with your post. " we're getting married in September!!"


Mistah T
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New Member
put me down with others, pass on this "deal"


yeah, but I see it all the time, how is it possible for these sportbikes to have seen so little road time - poor bikes :(

Most likely the owners are squids and only ride it strictly during the summer. Anything below 80 is "too cold" since all they wear is a t-shirt.

My brother got an awesome deal on a 08 cbr600rr with only like 3000 miles or something 2 years ago. You'll see another deal someday dude, plus an 06? c',mon...


New Member
You're getting ripped off on your bike dude, walk away. It's not worth taking a loss just to get on a faster bike..
