tarping my neighbors gsxr (w/o permission)

I wouldn't throw a tarp over somebody's car just because they leave it out.... ditto for a motorcycle.

I leave mine uncovered until it starts to snow or if I'm going out of town for a few days but then again I ride everyday too. Aside from surface rust on rotors/chain and possible paint wear, leaving it out in the rain hasn't done any harm (I clean and wax my chain regularly because of this).

I haven't noticed any breakdown of any hoses or anything and I'm a couple hundred miles short of 10,000 miles. Has anybody's bike ever shown signs of degradation due to the weather?
a veteran rider i know has gotten rats in his bike from 1 night leaving it outside. depends on the area...we are near a creek and no hes not leaving it uncovered to wash it he never ever covers it
