100+ mph

where are the wheelies ?! :p

you should put a smart-ass text comment around the 6:00 mark for the cop taking the turn :cool:
okay, what the hell is supposed to be on the right side of the screen? I looked at it like 5 times and nothing there....

were you referring to the bike in the parking lot??? If so you should have labeled it bike 1 or something like that....
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here my newest video
soldiers delight short - YouTube

p.s whats the code to embed the youtube player on the page??<----

Just copy and paste the web bar link in your browser. It will self embed.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VfdxuGBt8u0"]soldiers delight short - YouTube[/ame]
I like the vid dude.... that was my r8 :D lol (i wish)...Im in MD i new a couple of those roads looked kinda familiar

idk that 2 inches is really a wheelie, lol. I keed, gotta start somewhere!

just be careful man.
