Riding Fast

Lol I'm kind of glad I'm a twig plus I always wear with my light hiking backpack since it barely adds to my profile. I'm 21, weigh 135 lbs and I'm almost 5'8'' The wind isn't much of a problem yet
Superman 2079,,,, Since you are new to riding a motorcycle,,, try to avoid this at least for a while. Although I am sure this method will make you go faster!
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about 5 minutes because the limits 55 here haha
I was 17 and my dad was trying to teach me how to release the clutch lever without stalling. The first time I was actually successful (after a dozen stalls) I pulled out onto the road and cranked it up to about 60........ then I had to turn around and go back to face Dad's wrath. Didn't have my license yet and he's a bit of a stickler for obeying the law.
What about the chubby guys, tight leather coats dont always work lol :beer:

I'm not exactly tiny myself (6'5" 255lbs) but I found that a rev'it! pheonix jacket (size 58) is snug and really does the trick. I mean when you dress to ride (although you should always dress for the crash, not for the ride) looking good should be secondary to function. While a tighter jacket might be less flattering to man boobs or a beer gut, it's definitly more functional at high speeds, and also in a crash making sure that any ce armor you have stays in place to protect you properly.

Also I used to be ~300lbs. Losing weight is the cheepest and easiest way you can make your bike go faster, and it's 100% street legal in all 50 states!:thumbup:
Is this you Cautious??? Maybe cut back a little on the beer? :justkidding:

Holy crap! Why does he have knee pucks!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

How could he even get over enough to use them? Is he smuggling pillows?

This is too much to comprehend right now, I need more coffee...
Holy crap! Why does he have knee pucks!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

How could he even get over enough to use them? Is he smuggling pillows?

This is too much to comprehend right now, I need more coffee...

This made me burst out laughing in the middle of work hahaha
Holy crap! Why does he have knee pucks!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

That is exactly what I thought when I first saw this. Then I thought,,,,HHHMMMMM,,,,, How may cows did it take?
Superman 2079,,,, Since you are new to riding a motorcycle,,, try to avoid this at least for a while. Although I am sure this method will make you go faster!

I wonder how many chickens are in the baskets:rof:
Why does she have this look :jawdrop: on her face?
I took the MSF class 2 years ago and had NEVER even ridden a dirt bike......since then, I never bought a bike until last month when I got my sexy FZ6R.......I was nervous the first day, and the second day on a mile long straight stretch I hit 103.....kinda hard to keep it UNDER 55 now most of the time lol
My Fz6r is my first bike, and I brought it home just over a month ago. My first day out, I only had about an hour to ride, I kept it to backroads as much as possible, not going much over 30, though I did get it up to 50 on a straightaway before I brought it in.

A week later, I went out on my second ride. I went out with my mom (who was on her Honda), and started with the backroads, but was up to a good comfort level pretty quickly. I probably got up to 70 that time out, in the few hours we were riding. On a backroad I did my first wheelie (intentionally, haha) with my front tire probably an inch off the ground.

The next day, My sister wanted to ride with me (on her Aprilia), and we didn't have too much time, so we mainly stuck to backroads. There wasn't much room to get up to speed, and I was still breaking in, so I focused on hard acceleration and hard engine braking, and did my second wheelie. My sister said I was up at about a 45 degree angle. I immediately rolled off the throttle hard and touched the front wheel back down, ready to call the ride a success.

Now I ride to and from work (about 30 miles each way) a couple times per week, and am just a shade under 1k miles, and the wind-even on major highways, and at triple-digit speeds, is very manageable.

My best advice is to stay in your comfort zone, and ride as often as you can. I was amazed how quickly I went from wobbling up to and away from every stop sign, to smoothly flowing past traffic and even city driving. Just have fun, and be safe!
30 min into MY first ride ever
Took me about a year. I was fourteen when I started riding and the cops in our town had a worn out '58 Chev Impala with 6 cyl. I don't think they ever got it over 35mph. :) "there goes that damned kid again"
Mission accomplished. I went riding today for about 2 hrs and got used to the wind and got it to 75. Thanks everyone for all the motivation and positive comments.
Mission accomplished. I went riding today for about 2 hrs and got used to the wind and got it to 75. Thanks everyone for all the motivation and positive comments.

Good for you, keep riding man, as much as you can! I say you should probably stick to the back roads and places lower in traffic just till you get comfortable at normal running speeds and stuff, the last thing you want to do is get up to that speed and get real nervous as vehicles pass you, or coming at you! They carry a backdraft thats pretty rough so get comfy with the bike, and youself on it first and foremost! Speed isnt everything at first :) but hey thats just my $.02 take it for what its worth! Best of luck to your riding! :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:

WOW! You get it up to 75 MPH? You certainly have bigger stones that I did. I remember I went out for a ride with some guys from work,(just got my licence) and we went out on the highway for a cruise. There was about 5 of us total and guess who stayed at the speed limit (100KMS/HR) and fell WAAAY behind everyone else. When I caught up I got ragged on for being so slow and being a pu**y. My reply was to the other riders was"You ride your way,I'll ride mine" . I felt like doing this::Flip: but I didn't. I never rode with them again.( I was asked,but said no thankyou.)
