US cop Vs two "Germany"boys lol

:rant:I cant imagine replying to a foreign police officer that I hadn't noticed the speed limit especially in a flippant attitude that these kids had. This cop did these guys a favor and gave them a reality check. Would they prefer a drive down the chocolate highway with the fudge-packers in the slammer.:rant:
:rant:I cant imagine replying to a foreign police officer that I hadn't noticed the speed limit especially in a flippant attitude that these kids had. This cop did these guys a favor and gave them a reality check. Would they prefer a drive down the chocolate highway with the fudge-packers in the slammer.:rant:


You are more likely to be beaten up by gang bangers in County jail in LA than get raped. That Cop was way over the top with that comment about a sore ass. He had no idea of the German boyz sexual preference and for all he knew it might have been a fun sleep over to them.

You are more likely to be beaten up by gang bangers in County jail in LA than get raped. That Cop was way over the top with that comment about a sore ass. He had no idea of the German boyz sexual preference and for all he knew it might have been a fun sleep over to them.

I guess he should have asked if they were headed to Brokeback Mountain.:spank:
Hey, if a cop pulls me over for 98 in a 70, he can talk like that all he wants if he just walks away when he's done and doesnt give me a ticket! Holly crap. If I pass a copy doing 80 in a 70 I'm toast.

98? Really? Nothing? Ugh. Next time, I'm going to talk with an accent and see if I can get away with it!
Hey, if a cop pulls me over for 98 in a 70, he can talk like that all he wants if he just walks away when he's done and doesnt give me a ticket! Holly crap. If I pass a copy doing 80 in a 70 I'm toast.

98? Really? Nothing? Ugh. Next time, I'm going to talk with an accent and see if I can get away with it!

I'm working on my German accent right now but I sound like Arnold Schwartzenegger....LOL
yep... the basic speed law supercedes everything, but it's at the officer's discretionary interpretation of what is "safe."

that said, the 2 teenagers didn't come across as being disrespectful in the video- just oblivious. the officer had every right to give them a stern warning. but, he was also very condescending and prejudicial- for the lack of a better description. either way he let them off with a warning. so, he was being fair overall i guess...
There's a catch-all in the California Vehicle Code referred to as the Basic Speed Law - no doubt that's how he was written up even though he was under the posted speed limit.

V C Section 22350 Basic Speed Law
Basic Speed Law

22350. No person shall drive a vehicle upon a highway at a speed greater than is reasonable or prudent having due regard for weather, visibility, the traffic on, and the surface and width of, the highway, and in no event at a speed which endangers the safety of persons or property.

Since you seem to be very well informed, I'll ask you. My father in law is an ex cop but he retired from the SDPD almost 20 years ago. He was a criminal justice professor but concentrated on things like organized crime, drug dealing, etc... Much bigger things than traffic laws. So he's not completely up to speed on that stuff. But I asked him how cops can pull someone over on a twisty mountain road where the POSTED speed limit is 55 for doing 50 in a corner that has a SUGGESTED speed of 25. (A friend of mine got that exact ticket and he's going to try and fight it.) He said he's not sure what they would write that up as but most likely reckless driving since that's considered to be at the officers discretion. If he feels like you going 50 around that turn isn't safe (even if it really is perfectly in control and not pushing any kind of limits at all) he can write you up for reckless driving. But from what you're saying, reckless driving seems like a lot bigger violation than what he's describing.

Just like Mfischler said. 22350 CVC is the unsafe speed law. Any road that is NOT a maximum speed limit (55 or 65) is posted at what has been deemed the safe speed for the roadway given the ideal conditions (dry, clear sky,...). Now if your on any road (even a freeway posted 65 MPH max) but its foggy and visibility is only 50 feet, than the safe speed for the road at that time may be 30-35 MPH. Depends on the conditions and what the officer deems is a safe speed at that time.

As for the turn recommending 25 on a 55 max, and getting cited for 50...I don't see how reckless driving could be cited, that would be kind of chicken shit in my opinion...unless there was other factors making it unsafe. But that's just my opinion. Now, if that turn happens to be a turn that there are multiple crashes at all the time due to people taking too much speed into it...then that could be legit to cite just for the speed, but I couldn't see reckless driving. That's a stretch.

As for your father-in-laws hatred for CHP, I put that up to the same as when I was in the Air Force. Every branch thinks they're the best and all the others suck. In reality, each has their own reasons for being and functions they play, no one being more important than the other. Those that talk bad about the others either, 1) Have no idea about what the other REALLY does, 2) Is disgrunted because the other wouldn't hire them, 3) is jealous or 4) they're just joking around. My Marine and Army buddies give me crap about the Air Force..."Pre-madonna's, couldn't hack a 20 mile hike....) I had no problems staying in hotels all around the world instead of tents in the desert (although I have) or having better housing, chow halls, hospitals,....:D BUT I have full respect for every other branch out there and what they do for each other.

It's too bad some people are just too full of themselves.
From one of the web sites I found this on... made it sound like this cop was irritated that they were not from the US... for only one reason, he knew if he gave them a speeding ticket... they'd be out of the country and they'd probably never be seen again, so instead of even wasting time with a ticket, or trying to bring foreigners to jail, he just vented.... unprofessional? Absolutely, there are other ways to vent and still maintain your professional appearance.

As you and several others probably gathered from some of my previous posts, I'm hard on cops when it comes to criticism. :D

Responding, not just to you, but to the several members who were critical of this particular cop, I happen to think that this cop wasn't really out of line.

He only used one curseword (that I remember hearing), and he let them off with NOTHING. They could've been arrested...but then, Cali has this little problem with prison overcrowding and is talking about letting a bunch of people out, so...

As far as the's actually still sort of a big deal for international folks. Granted, they could abandon the country without paying, but it still becomes an unpaid fine. A warrant is still issued, and when they attempt to re-enter the country using their passport, they risk arrest.

I've heard that the fine could be collected via the credit card which was used for the rental car, and I've also heard that the violation is permanently recorded (whether the fine is paid or not, I don't know the process), and it makes it difficult to get another VISA to get back into the US.

Since I used to travel overseas frequently for my job, I've heard these stories.

Just a note to let everyone know, not all CHP act this way. I was stopped a few weeks ago while riding my 6R. I made a pass that was questionable. The officer had been behind me for 5 or 6 miles, I knew he was there. When I took off my helmet he realized I wasn't a young hot shoe on a sportbike, (I guess the lack of hair and wrinkles gave me away) we had a conversation about highway safety and that I should be more careful. In the end we ended up shaking hands and I got off with a warning. He was very professional, and was truly concerned for the safety of those on his highway. Since Calif. is going down the tubes financially, I thought I was doomed to pay a fine at least (it would have been my second moving violation in 36 years). I only wish all officers were like the one I met a few weeks ago. Oh, the last moving violation I got was BS. I was doing 66 in a 65. That officer was full of sh*t, and gives the rest of them a bad name. That being said, I have earned a ticket almost every time I go out for a ride, I've just been lucky.
