US cop Vs two "Germany"boys lol


New Member
[ame=]YouTube - German driver owned by US cop for speeding - hilarious![/ame]
was anybody else waiting for the cop to come back at the end and yell, "chicken fu@@er" :p
Well .... that was interesting ... I like how he doesnt even glance at the paperwork he was handed ... could have been anything lol
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Cop was a dick and out of line. Nobody should be talked to like that. Regardless of who you are or where your at.
"...ass be hurtin' for a month!" xP

hahahahaha... that's an instant classic right there...
wow. what a douche-nozzle! now we know why other countries hate us americans
wow. what a douche-nozzle! now we know why other countries hate us americans

I'm Canadian and I got stopped by the state troopers in rural Georgia last year. I was expecting to get tazered but they were actually quite nice and chatted with me and my Australian friends for a few minutes before letting us go. We were going something like 55 mph in a 45 or 50 zone.

Although some countries are worse than others, there will always be nice cops and pricks like the one in the video. Up here I've only had one incident like the one in the video (long story, I wasn't doing anything wrong: the cop was on a total power trip).
I'm Canadian and I got stopped by the state troopers in rural Georgia last year. I was expecting to get tazered but they were actually quite nice and chatted with me and my Australian friends for a few minutes before letting us go. We were going something like 55 mph in a 45 or 50 zone.

Although some countries are worse than others, there will always be nice cops and pricks like the one in the video. Up here I've only had one incident like the one in the video (long story, I wasn't doing anything wrong: the cop was on a total power trip).

M76, you, or your friend, is probably a cute chick.
Wow....98 in a 70 zone....that's 28 mph over the limit and is a criminal misdemeanor. He could have arrested them. I am surprised they didn't get a ticket at least.
Lucky guys.....

The Cop had a filthy mouth tho....funny but unprofessional.
Really, criminal misdemeanor??? They should put the whole state of Florida in jail! You should come down here and ride on I-95 going down in Miami one of these days. Going 20-30 over the speed limit is required to survive here. Going 80 in a 55 zone in the morning and the cop just follow the traffic. All I have to say is, I'm not moving out of Florida for a wile...:D

LOL...ya......Here in CA, it is a criminal offense to do more than 25mph over the limit and they can arrest you and impound your bike. If you are going with the flow of traffic, you can get away with it as you are one of the many...

Sounds like Floridians drive too fast....sounds like fun!
That guy was way unprofessional and will be getting some disciplinary action once this video gets to his me.

As for 25+ being a criminal offense in's not. It's just gonna be a big fine and in some counties, a 30 day license suspension, but not a criminal offense on its own. Now, if there was another moving violation (i.e. unsafe lane change, tailgating....) WITH the speed, the officer could deem it reckless driving which is a misdemeanor.
That guy was way unprofessional and will be getting some disciplinary action once this video gets to his me.

As for 25+ being a criminal offense in's not. It's just gonna be a big fine and in some counties, a 30 day license suspension, but not a criminal offense on its own. Now, if there was another moving violation (i.e. unsafe lane change, tailgating....) WITH the speed, the officer could deem it reckless driving which is a misdemeanor.

I found this on the internet but I think you are right about the arrest part although a criminal misdemeanor vs a criminal felony are very different. Reckless driving is a criminal misdemeanor..I know because I got one and the punishment can include a 6 month stay in County Jail. I beat the ticket tho...

In FL, 30 over is "criminal speeding" Automatic court date to determine fine and punishment.

What about over 100 mph?
What about over 100 mph?

There's an "old wives tale" that 100+ is a felony in CA, but its not. California Vehicle code 22348(b) is the section for 100+ MPH and it's an infraction (speeding ticket) as well. Although the fine is going to be well over $1500 and of course, no traffic school on that one. But, throw in another moving violation while committing the 100+, and you could easily make it into reckless driving and go to jail. Or, 100+ in a residential area/school zone, etc...would also earn you some striped pajamas.
I'm just wondering if he got off! I guess it's implied, but not sure...!

From my experience, LA County Sheriff officers are a lot nicer (more normal) than CHP guys... and one of my buddies is a CHP officer & he agrees!
There's an "old wives tale" that 100+ is a felony in CA, but its not. California Vehicle code 22348(b) is the section for 100+ MPH and it's an infraction (speeding ticket) as well. Although the fine is going to be well over $1500 and of course, no traffic school on that one. But, throw in another moving violation while committing the 100+, and you could easily make it into reckless driving and go to jail. Or, 100+ in a residential area/school zone, etc...would also earn you some striped pajamas.

yep..the law are right....when I got mine, there had to be 3 separate violations to be Reckless. Mine was speeding (was caught on radar 85 in a 45), crossing a double yellow line and willful disregard for public safety and or property (drifting the vehicle). He said he could see me cross the double yellow line at night when I got the ticket and I asked him to point out where he was and where I crossed the line and how he saw and he said in the rear view mirrow. I asked him in front of the jury if he was superman because the alleged line crossing was almost 200 yards up the street with no street lights. Jury laughed and acquitted me and the Judge dismissed charges. Of course I was guilty as sin....

V C Section 23103 Reckless Driving
Reckless Driving

23103. (a) A person who drives a vehicle upon a highway in willful or wanton disregard for the safety of persons or property is guilty of reckless driving.

(b) A person who drives a vehicle in an offstreet parking facility, as defined in subdivision (c) of Section 12500, in willful or wanton disregard for the safety of persons or property is guilty of reckless driving.

(c) Persons convicted of the offense of reckless driving shall be punished by imprisonment in a county jail for not less than five days nor more than 90 days or by a fine of not less than one hundred forty-five dollars ($145) nor more than one thousand dollars ($1,000), or by both that fine and imprisonment, except as provided in Section 23104 or 23105.

Yep, FL is crazy. Miami especially... Usually in the "fast/past" lane however you want to call it I average 75 mph no more and there are still people up my a**. So of course I move over.

Just the other day I was on a freeway toll road near the airport going to work and I see a car hauling a** from way back, I move over and see the cop come flying past me without even his lights on and he was doing at least 85-90.
