Wife's FZ6R Pics


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Wow great pics, but you can't tell me you didn't have the urge to jump on that pretty yellow bike and take er for a spin:D

Not after being on the FZ1! ;) No, but I did take it out the night before while she was at the Inn doing school work. I had to gas it up for the ride the next morning so I opened her up for the first four gears. Smooth, but it's a far cry from what I'm used to! :p

I've only ridden hers twice now but I do like it a lot. Especially the yellow one because it looks like it is a U.S. Army bike, Army of One! And, I'm an Army vet. :cool:
Nice pics! Looks like a fun trip.
I've updated the album for her bike. We had a GREAT weekend out in VT and I've added some action shots of her on the R while on Rte 17 in VT. This was the New England FZ6 Meet on Saturday. Hope you enjoy the shots.

Yamaha FZ6R Forums - International FZ6R / XJ6 Motorcycle Community Forum - FZ1inNH's Album: Wifey's FZ6R

im in wells/sanford ME! we should go riding sometime, or get some peeps togather! im constantly in dover/summersworth as thats where i shop - walmart
im in wells/sanford ME! we should go riding sometime, or get some peeps togather! im constantly in dover/summersworth as thats where i shop - walmart

Well! You've got it! We'd love to meet new riders and go out. We don't have much free time in the next couple weeks but I'm sure we can find an evening or a bit of time on a weekend.

We shop at Wally World too. :D
I would love if the GF rode but she doesn't even drive lol.
This is her first sportbike and her first trip on it outside of short runs around the area. She had very wide chicken strips when we left and while still a bit wide, she erased a little more than half of them! :D She did great! She rode her own pace and managed to have a lot of fun and then didn't have much trouble staying with the group at all when we pushed it harder.

fz6rwolf, see if you can get her to sign up for the BRC and get her license. Maybe she'll enjoy it, maybe not but she can at least say she tried it. :D
This is her first sportbike and her first trip on it outside of short runs around the area. She had very wide chicken strips when we left and while still a bit wide, she erased a little more than half of them! :D She did great! She rode her own pace and managed to have a lot of fun and then didn't have much trouble staying with the group at all when we pushed it harder.

fz6rwolf, see if you can get her to sign up for the BRC and get her license. Maybe she'll enjoy it, maybe not but she can at least say she tried it. :D

That won't work, see she has a driver license but won't drive. She had an abusive, badly abusive husband, and has some issues, PTSD, anxiety, some agoraphobia so not going to happen.She leaves the house only if someone is with her, same with going into a store. She's ridden on back for short rides but still building up to more than a half hour.
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That won't work, see she has a driver license but won't drive. She had an abusive, badly abusive husband, and has some issues, PTSD, anxiety, some agoraphobia so not going to happen.She leaves the house only if someone is with her, same with going into a store. She's ridden on back for short rides but still building up to more than a half hour.

Holy crap! Sorry to hear this but glad she has someone who understands and cares! Who knows... she might gain back some of her pre-douchebag husband days, at least I hope so. Hug her often!
I can sympathize with you my wife had the same, a real piece of work before me. Took years of talking and such to get over some things (depression, anxiety, guilt, etc). I made her laugh again. I might suggest going on some nice rides maybe take some picnics to parks and build the confidence and make riding you guys thing and she will love it. Good luck you friend Mark:)
